Index – National – Vaccine supply is already in these hospitals


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At dawn on Wednesday, the vaccine shipment arrived at the Budapest-based site of one of the world’s largest transportation and logistics companies. A plane with 70,000 vaccines landed at Liszt Ferenc Airport shortly after half a week on Wednesday morning. The container containing the vaccines was not dismantled at the airport, but loaded onto a truck that transported them to the base of the warehouse. The container will be dismantled at the base of the warehouse, where the refrigerators containing the vaccine will be classified, which will be delivered to 21 vaccination points in various metropolitan and rural hospitals.

Have already received it

  • A car delivering Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccines arrived a few minutes after the fourth quarter on Wednesday. to Petz Aladár County University Hospital in Győr. Not only the Győr hospital employees will be vaccinated at the hospital, but also the doctors and health workers from the Sopron and Mosonmagyaróvár hospitals. The Petz Aladár County Teaching Hospital in Győr has been a Covid-designated care center from the beginning.
  • Arrived after 12 noon to St. John Hospital in Budapest 3000 vaccine. The vaccine is stored in a properly refrigerated, controlled and safe room. Vaccination can begin Thursday at two vaccination points in the hospital area and then at two additional locations in the area. Workers on the front line, the Covid neighborhood, are mainly vaccinated. The general director of the hospital asked that as many people as possible apply because this is the most effective way to defend themselves. Anyone requesting the vaccine must declare that they are administering it voluntarily and then undergo a medical examination, including any allergies. If all is well, the applicant will be vaccinated and followed by a half hour observation to ensure that no complications occur. During the next 7-10 days, all John Hospital staff members can get vaccinated if they report.
  • The vaccines have already arrived to St. Imre University Hospital and University Pharmacy of Semmelweis University is.
  • In the afternoon already in Kecskemét Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital also received the coronavirus vaccine

The best news from the treatment of the epidemic is that 70,000 more vaccines arrived in the morning, allowing an additional 35,000 health workers to be vaccinated, the national medical director said on Wednesday in a statement from the operative tribe. Cecília Müller added that additional doses of vaccine have already been ordered and that shipments will arrive in several batches at the beginning of the year. The national medical director pointed out that vaccines are administered according to the schedule, in accordance with the vaccination plan. So, in the first round, healthcare workers will receive the vaccine, including those who work in emergency and intensive care departments, as well as those who specifically care for coronavirus patients.

The number of new infections has more than doubled

1972 a new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) was detected in another Hungarian citizen, so 319 543 The number of infected people identified in Hungary increased per capita. 137, mostly elderly, chronic patients died, bringing the death toll to 9,429 on Wednesday, read on

The number of healers is also steadily increasing, currently 144 234 main, number of active infected 165 880-ra diminished. 6155 Coronavirus patients are treated in a hospital, one of them 425they are connected to a fan.

The second shipment of vaccines arrived in Hungary this morning and


Adherence to protective measures remains important to curb the epidemic and the performance of hospitals. The curfew will also be in effect on New Year’s Eve.

One day before902 Coronavirus infection has been detected in humans, and 131, mostly elderly and chronic patients died. On Tuesday 6298 The coronavirus patients were treated in the hospital, one of them 444-in they were on a fan.
