Index – National – Cecília Müller: There will be twenty-five vaccines at the beginning of the year


The best news from the treatment of the epidemic is that 70,000 more vaccines arrived in the morning, allowing an additional 35,000 health workers to be vaccinated, the national medical director said on Wednesday in a statement from the operative tribe.

Cecília Müller added that additional doses of vaccines have already been ordered and that shipments will arrive in several batches at the beginning of the year.

The national medical director pointed out that vaccines are administered according to the schedule, in accordance with the vaccination plan. So, in the first round, healthcare workers will receive the vaccine, including those who work in emergency and intensive care departments, as well as those who specifically care for coronavirus patients.


He added that the vaccines will now be available to both GPs and primary care workers. He also said that in a few days the range of vaccination places will be expanded, while now in 21 places, until the beginning of next year

they will already be vaccinated in 25 places.

After the health workers, there will be workers and residents in the social institution, depending on the amount of vaccine, the number of people entitled to vaccination will be expanded to include those who are actively involved in the management of the epidemic.

Cecília Müller said that almost 600,000 people have indicated that they want to be vaccinated. 462 thousand people have already registered on the ​​website and 136 thousand retirees have returned the registration letter. He indicated that those who have not yet registered can do so safely.

There is a strict vaccination schedule. Applicants must first complete a questionnaire, based on which the doctor will decide if they can be vaccinated. You must also sign a declaration of consent. Cecília Müller stressed: vaccination is not mandatory, but it is recommended.

None of the vaccines provide 100 percent protection, none of which are known

– He said. However, he also added that vaccines should not be feared because they are proven. He acknowledged that a vaccine could not be developed in three months, but this vaccine had been researched before, it was not developed from scratch.

Although vaccination has started, hygiene rules must still be followed. The future goal is to develop immunity. This requires two shots. The second dose should be administered on day 21 after the first vaccination, with full protection within a week after the two vaccinations.

On the side effects, he said, like all drugs, they can be vaccines, but if they do occur, they are still mild. Redness or swelling may appear at the injection site, which resolves on its own. In rare cases, swollen lymph nodes or muscle pain, depression and possibly an allergic reaction can occur, but vaccines are prepared for this.

Everything must be done to stop the epidemic, now with a new control option, the administration of the vaccine. Cecília Müller, therefore, asks the population for patience, because as he himself said: there is more behind us than before us.

So many broke the rule

In the last 24 hours, the police have taken actions against 227 people for ignoring the obligation to wear a mask, a total of 16,427 actions have been carried out since November 4 in case of neglect of the mask, said Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss.

Restrictive measures on shops, commercial premises, leisure facilities since the entry into force of the legislation 685 were raped, In 184 cases, the owner and operator are responsible for breaking the law. 491 people violated the rules of stay and opening hours. Last day, the police closed a deal due to a serious violation of the rules, so in total Up to 105 the number of stores temporarily closed since the entry into force of the legislation.

In the past 24 hours, the police have taken action against a total of 333 people for violating the curfew, in two cases for violating the 500-meter walking rule. Since the rule came into force, the police have taken action against a total of 18,507 people.

Police took action at the border in 45 cases yesterday, including the entry into force of rules on entry restrictions from 1 September. 8985 police actions were carried out in case of breach of the rules.

A total of 9274 official home quarantine inspections have been carried out in the last 24 hours. Last day, 2,139 home quarantines were ordered, so there are now a total of 19,496 official home quarantines in effect in Hungary. 2,169 were registered in a mobile application capable of monitoring compliance with the official home quarantine.

Since the first wave, 509 people have been prosecuted for violating epidemiological rules. In these criminal proceedings so far 99 suspects were questioned.

The lieutenant colonel also said that regardless of the emergence of the new type of variant of the virus, Hungarian citizens working abroad will automatically be placed in official quarantine when they return home.

The number of new infections has more than doubled

1972 a new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) was detected in another Hungarian citizen, so 319 543 The number of infected people identified in Hungary increased per capita. 137, mostly elderly, chronic patients died, bringing the death toll to 9,429 on Wednesday, read on

The number of healers is also steadily increasing, currently 144 234 main, number of active infected 165 880-ra diminished. 6155 Coronavirus patients are treated in a hospital, one of them 425they are connected to a fan.

The second shipment of vaccines arrived in Hungary this morning and


Adherence to protective measures remains important to curb the epidemic and the performance of hospitals. The curfew will also be in effect on New Year’s Eve.

One day before902 Coronavirus infection has been detected in humans, and 131, most of the elderly chronic patients died. On Tuesday 6298 The coronavirus patients were treated in the hospital, one of them 444-in they were on a fan.

(Cover image: MTI photographer: / Botár Gergely)
