All the information in one place about the 2021 loan repayment moratorium


The government has decided: until June 30, 2021, everyone will remain eligible for a moratorium on loan repayments under the original terms. Who does not want to pay does not have to do anything if he was entitled in the first wave, now he is entitled to postponement.

As Origo reported, Gergely Gulyás, the Prime Minister, outlined the new rules for the 2021 credit moratorium in the latest Government Info this year. According to this, it is not necessary that the home or business, the sole proprietor, which was in the first wave of the moratorium, did nothing and wanted to live with the deferral for the next six months. The extension of the credit moratorium was described by the Minister as the most important decision of economic protection, which is of great help for families and companies as well.

IllustrationPhoto: Gábor Szabó – Origo

Therefore, until June 30, 2021, everyone will be able to make use of the credit moratorium under current conditions, which will continue to apply only to loans contracted before March 18, 2020.

The credit default will continue to apply only to loans contracted before the spring date, because anyone who has obtained a loan after the outbreak of the epidemic could already have evaluated the circumstances in which they were in debt.

The Minister also described the main numbers of the moratorium: 2.6 million households were eligible for deferral, with 56% in the first wave, nearly 1.5 million families seizing the opportunity. This affected 54% of the total loan amount of HUF 6.5 billion, or HUF 3.6 billion.

Of the companies, 987 thousand entrepreneurs were eligible, 48.5 percent of them benefited from the postponement, that is, about half a million companies. The companies requested a deferral of 41.7% of the total loan portfolio of HUF 10.3 billion, that is, HUF 4.3 billion.

According to Gergely Gulyás, it is positive that this money stays in the economy, and in times of difficulties caused by the coronavirus, it is positive that capital can be raised in the economy.

The six-month extension of the credit moratorium is automatically applied to all debtors who have previously been subject to the moratorium.Source: Thinkstock

Banks have sent information letters in the last few weeks before the government’s decision, are no longer valid, so their content no longer needs to be taken into account

– highlights in this regard Növekedé

Consequently, the information on the previous credit moratorium, which would have helped only clients belonging to key social groups, had ceased to have adequate declarations and certificates, that is, families raising or expecting children, retirees, unemployed and job seekers and public employees. . The new 2021 credit moratorium extension applies uniformly to everyone, including businesses and sole proprietorships.

Depending on your living situation, the following four options are used to break down whether clients have anything to do with the extension of the moratorium.

  • Who has taken advantage of the opportunities provided by the moratorium so far? you have not paid your loan payments and you do not want to You do not have to make another declaration to be covered by the 2021 moratorium, the extension will be applied automatically.
  • Who so far paid off your loan but now intends to live with the 2021 forbearance, that is, you do not want to pay the fees, you must make a statement to your bank in accordance with the published government decree to be subject to the moratorium.
  • Who has lived with the credit default so far you have not repaid your loan, but now as of January it is based on previous information that you want to repay, You must also make a statement to your bank about who wants to get out of the credit default.
  • Finally, that you have repaid your loan so far and still want to repay it, It is not expected to comment on this during the extended 2021 period of the credit default, but in the absence of uniform rules not yet available, it is worth asking your financial institution for reliable information.

In a previously published statement, the Hungarian Banking Association recommends that those able to do so should repay them, otherwise it will increase the term of your loan.

If, however, in the next six months, the debtor finds himself in a situation where he still cannot pay his loan, he can at any time before June 30, 2021 declare that he wishes to be subject to the moratorium again. Then you won’t have to pay your loan installments until the end of the moratorium.
