Once again, the number of new coronavirus cases in Hungary is less than a thousand


The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 902 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infections identified in Hungary to 317,571. 131 people, mostly the elderly and chronically ill, died, bringing the death toll to 9,292, the official government information website said.

The number of people cured is also constantly growing, currently 138,365 people,

the number of active infections dropped to 169,914.

6298 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 444 of whom are on ventilators. Vaccination of healthcare workers is still taking place at the five designated hospital vaccination points. Adherence to protective measures remains important to curb the epidemic and the performance of hospitals. The curfew will be alive on New Year’s Eve, they write on the website.

Photo: Sándor Csudai – Origo

The first phase of protection against the coronavirus epidemic came with the arrival of the first shipment of vaccines to Hungary on Saturday and the vaccination of healthcare workers. Hospital health workers will be vaccinated at the 5 designated hospital vaccination points today and in the coming days. The first shipment of the Pfizer vaccine contains 9,750 doses of vaccine, which will allow 4,875 health workers to be vaccinated, since a person needs two vaccines, with a variation of 21 days. The first shipment of vaccines was delivered on Saturday to five designated hospital vaccines: South Pest Central Hospital, Korányi National Institute of Pulmonology, Semmelweis University Clinic, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospital in Nyíregyháza and Kenebr University in Debrecen . The next shipment of the Pfizer vaccine is expected to arrive in late December, followed by the newest ones, and vaccinations of healthcare workers will continue at the same rate.

6,000 vials of Russian vaccine also arrived in Hungary on Monday afternoon. The shipment has been taken to the National Center for Public Health and specialists will soon make a decision on how to use the vaccine. In Russia, which involves 40,000 people, they have already passed clinical tests, resulting in an efficiency of 91.4 percent.

János Leszkoven, one of the chief doctors of the Covid Intensive Care Unit, will receive the coronavirus vaccine at the employee vaccination point in the András Jósa Training Hospital building in Nyíregyháza on December 27, 2020Source: MTI / Attila Balázs

In the first half of 2021, pharmaceutical authorities are expected to authorize new vaccines, and then additional vaccines may arrive in Hungary to begin mass vaccination of the population. The vaccination will be free and voluntary, so it is definitely worth registering so that the authorities can contact applicants. So far, more than 300,000 people have registered for vaccination on the website https://vakcinainfo.gov.hu/.

The post office will deliver a letter to retirees in December informing them of the possibility of registration by Dr. Cecília Müller, National Medical Director. Retirees can also report their need for a coronavirus vaccine by completing and returning the form attached to the letter.
