Index – National – Two million Hungarians can receive the Pfizer vaccine


Following approval from both the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the European Commission, Pfizer and BioNTech have become the first Covid-19 vaccine in the European Union to receive a conditional marketing authorization.

According to current forecasts, the manufacturer expects to produce up to 50 million doses of vaccine globally in 2020 and up to 1.3 billion in 2021. By Monday, around three million people in the world had been vaccinated against some form of coronavirus.

What is komirnati?

The Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine was called Comirnaty. Comirnaty is a vaccine called mRNA. This means that while conventional vaccines contain inactivated or killed virus or virus particles to elicit an immune response, the mRNA vaccine sends a message to the cells of the body telling them to form the spike protein. This protein is found on the surface of the coronavirus and is responsible for the development of infection in human cells. The production of spike protein by cells triggers an immune response in the body, including the production of antibodies specific to the Covid-19 spike protein.

The development of the mRNA vaccine can be attributed to biochemist Katalin Karikó, who is also Vice President of BioNTech.

Péter Vereckei, Managing Director of Pfizer Hungary, judged it a breakthrough that the coronavirus vaccine could have reached Hungary just 280 days after the announcement of the development.

Distribution, delivery, dry ice boxes

To address the global health crisis, the entire vaccine stock is currently being distributed under government delivery agreements that will run through at least the end of 2021.

According to a previous announcement by the European Commission, all EU Member States, including Hungary, received the first dose of vaccine on December 26, 2020. This is uniform in each Member State with two heat insulated transport vaccines (9750 dose). More deliveries are expected in the week of December 28.

To ensure the quality of the vaccine, Pfizer has developed specially designed, heat-insulated shipping containers in which dry ice can be used to provide the recommended administration conditions for a longer time (-90 ° C to -60 ° C). The thermally insulated transport box, if not opened, can maintain this temperature for 10 days, allowing transport to any country in the world. Once thawed, the vaccine can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.

The transport of the special box does not require a special vehicle. Pfizer organizes vaccine delivery everywhere, for which UPS provides the logistical background at home.

Krisztina Zsigmond, developer of the company’s vaccine business, said that at the vaccination points designated by ÁNTSZ according to EMMI, the hospital headquarters delivers the vaccine. For vaccination anyway


only at state designated immunization points. Whoever is vaccinated will receive a vaccination card indicating when to return for the second stab.

Krisztina Zsigmond also said that in 2020, around 80,000 doses will be delivered to Hungary, which means 40,000 vaccinated people. Between 2020 and 2021, a total of 4.4 million vaccines were delivered.

The mutant virus can be vaccinated in six weeks.

Dr. Tibor Fabó, Pfizer’s chief medical officer, stated that half of the applicants in the clinical trial phase received a placebo and the other half received an mRNA vaccine. Of those who received a placebo, 193 were infected with the coronavirus, while eight of those who received the tested vaccine came out, so the vaccine provided 95 percent protection.

Participants in clinical trials are monitored for two years. Only people over the age of 16 participated in the tests, so it is not recommended that young people get vaccinated until the tests are completed for the 12-16 year age group.

In response to a question about a new virus variant that emerged recently in the UK, Péter Vereckei said that the BioNTech president said the vaccine currently provides protection against 17 virus strains and should not be modified. But if necessary, they can produce a vaccine in six weeks, in addition to the 17 variants, it also provides protection against a possible new one.

Dr. Tibor Fabó said that the investigation of allergic reactions is ongoing and that the vaccine is not recommended for anyone who has had an allergic reaction to a previous vaccine or is known to be allergic to any component of the vaccine. In clinical trials, mild side effects lasting a few days were seen,

Mainly redness and headache have been reported at the injection site.

The medical director noted that 95 percent protection develops on day 28 after the first vaccination. The duration of protection will be revealed in the coming months.

(Cover image: Coronavirus vaccine at South Pest Central Hospital on December 27, 2020. Photo: Zoltán Balogh / MTI)
