Hungarian Local Government Association: the government must stop distributing money for selfish interests


“The government, which is now shedding its responsibility to handle the epidemic and the economic crisis, is now openly putting its own economic and power interests before the interests of the country,” the Hungarian Local Government Association writes in a statement.

They complain that “opposition-run settlements” were discriminated against in the distribution of Christmas subsidies and “hundreds of billions of public florins were scattered for purposes that had nothing to do with dealing with the effects of the epidemic. or the economic crisis ”.

It is written that halving the business tax for small and medium-sized businesses will not help businesses, but it will jeopardize the provision of public transportation, garbage collection, public cleaning, childcare, cultural, health and social subsidies.

György Gémesi, President of the Association of Hungarian Local GovernmentsPhoto: György Varga / MTI / MTVA

The Hungarian Local Government Association, led by György Gémesi, expects the government to agree on compensation for the restrictions with all local government associations and will make its proposal public before the consultation scheduled for January.

“The form of compensation cannot be other than transparent and normative, which completely ignores the aspects of political-power and only serves the functioning of local governments, the security of public services and the quiet daily life of the citizens who live in our settlements. The financial foundations for all this can be created if the government ends the dispersal of selfish power with immediate effect and considers it its primary responsibility to deal with the effects of the epidemic and the economic crisis.

