Coronavirus: Huge Regional Differences in Mortality


Data from the European Statistical Office sheds light on large regional differences in coronavirus mortality. In Budapest, the death toll due to the epidemic was half as high as in the entire country, according to a Facebook post by Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony.

The Hungarian government is doing everything possible to anoint the epidemic data, although knowing the spatial distribution of the mortality data would be essential in the defense, in which the arrival of the vaccine could open a new phase. This requires that people trust the authorities and get vaccinated. However, trust can only be gained by a government that speaks honestly with its citizens, writes Gergely Karácsony in her Facebook post.

For example, we know almost nothing about the territorial distribution of mortality data, the official website only publishes data for Budapest separately, apparently because mortality was high in the capital in the first wave of the epidemic and could be sewn around the capital leadership. On the other hand, now the opposite is happening, the mortality figures in Budapest are much better than average, which the government, of course, is listening to, says the mayor.

According to the mayor, many more people are likely to have lost their lives to the epidemic than is reported in the coronavirus statistics. Compared to previous years, many more people have died in these months. What could be the other reason for these additional deaths besides the epidemic and the health problems plagued by the epidemic?

The Hungarian Statistical Office does not provide the territorial distribution of deaths, but the European Statistical Office does, Christmas notes. It is shocking that there are counties in which almost twice as many people died at the peak of the epidemic than in the same period in previous years, while elsewhere, such as Budapest, we see a fraction of this.

In his Christmas publication, in addition to the brutal geographical differences in mortality from covid, he also awaits an explanation of the differences between excess mortality and mortality from coronavirus by area.
