According to the Minister of Human Resources, the epidemic has complicated life, but the Ministry has taken a series of extremely important measures that have alleviated it.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus mostly ranged from 50 to 100 in 24 hours. The first step is a partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

This Sunday a video appeared on the community page of the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi), in which the head of the ministry, Miklós Kásler, evaluated the year 2020. According to the minister, although the coronavirus epidemic has complicated our lives, they have taken a series of “extremely important” measures that have “made life easier”.

He called that move simplifying adoption, but didn’t mention the fact that adoption became nearly impossible for singles and same-sex couples.

The minister praised the school renewal program and the amended national core curriculum, which he said “combines the most modern and effective international pedagogical practice with the traditions and values ​​of Hungarian education, strengthening the national identity.”

The results also included the fact that the legal status of cultural officials was transformed into employment, which was denounced by many, and that their salaries were increased by 6 percent, and that an agreement was reached on the financing of the theaters maintained by the municipality.

He also spoke about health care, which is currently in charge of the Interior Minister, Sándor Pintér, where he said that we must “bring a delay of 70 years.” He called the increase in medical salaries of historical importance (true, according to the Hungarian Medical Chamber, the details are not quite right yet) and the program to increase the salaries of nurses is on a large scale.

And he also mentioned sport, noting that although in 2010 his support was 17.8 billion guilders, this year 127 billion have already been spent on it. It wasn’t about how funding for education or healthcare developed specifically during this time.

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Miklós Kásler awaited the arrival of the new vaccine - photos of the route of the first shipment

At home

The MTI photographer followed the route of the first shipment of vaccine that arrived with a police report from the Hegyeshalom border to South Pest Central Hospital, where Minister Miklós Kásler received the van.

Révész: Christmas of the plagues

Sándor Révész

Reflections on freedom, faith, Christ and classical music. Is there a Christmas that comes together, and what do we think of a government official who excludes but eventually leaves a Christmas that brings together Christians and non-Christians?