Index – Domestic – Healthcare workers are being vaccinated, but some cannot receive the vaccine


Health workers at the South Pest Central Hospital are constantly vaccinated with a coronavirus vaccine, and so far no one has had any health problems, Andrea Kulcsár, head of the institution’s vaccination center, told MTI on Sunday.

The institution received 1950 doses of the first shipment of the vaccine developed by Pfizer – BioNTech to Hungary, for which 975 people will receive the vaccine. It is planned to administer this amount for five days.

– explained the Chief Physician, adding that this amount could be used to vaccinate the employees of the South Pest Central Hospital and the pre-registered medical care personnel of other hospitals.

Hospital personnel who intend to administer the vaccine will arrive on time and receive complete information. Before giving the vaccine, they must complete a health questionnaire to determine if they can be vaccinated. All are monitored for the time required after vaccination, and the vaccinated receive a so-called vaccination card and the time of the second vaccination. This is because two vaccines are required for complete protection.

Andrea Kulcsár emphasized. He added

The vaccine should not be given to anyone who has a fever, is pregnant, or planning to have a baby within three months.

Also, anyone who has been infected with a coronavirus in the last three months will not get vaccinated now because they still have antibodies to the virus in their body.

A first aid site has also been set up at the vaccination center and the intensive care unit is also ready to deal with a possible serious vaccination reaction.
