Index – National – Miklós Kásler: The 70-year gap in healthcare had to be filled, but now a new moment is approaching


“Advent is about waiting, preparing. We are preparing for the arrival of El Salvador, but we are also taking stock of the events, actions and goals planned and achieved last year ”.

– Miklós Kásler begins his 2020 annual evaluation speech.

On the Facebook page of the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi), the head of the ministry shared the ceremonial speech, which continues as follows: this year the coronavirus epidemic has complicated our lives, but Emmi has taken a series of measures extremely important that have made our lives easier. Miklós, then a long list begins.

Adoption has gotten easier, with a thousand adoptions last year, and in two-thirds of the cases, children who had previously been raised in child protection found families. The government has been and will continue to pay close attention to ensuring that our children can learn in a dignified environment. To this end, the government spent 4.6 billion HUF on renovation works over the summer, all children in public education receive free textbooks, and we further expanded resources for infant feeding. A total of 106,000 needy primary school students received a school package from a government grant of HUF 765 million.

– says that the revised national core curriculum has been completed, which it believes aims to provide children with the same opportunities regardless of their place of residence or social situation.

The common goal of all of us is to bring young people leaving public education to the forefront of the world by 2030 with their knowledge. It is also important to value those who work in the public sector, the cultural civil service relationship has been transformed into employment and salaries have increased by 6 percent. The financing of the theaters maintained by the municipality has also been resolved: by April 2020, we have agreed with all local authorities, eight theaters in the capital and thirty institutions in twenty rural cities have become jointly operated by the state.

– emphasized the minister, then said that a new time in health care will begin.

Seventy years of arrears had to be incorporated. A periodically significant medical salary increase program has been launched, doctors will receive their first salary increase in February and then by 2023, their salaries will increase in several steps. In the language of numbers: starting from January 2023, the salary of beginning doctors will increase to 687 thousand florins, after 16 and 20 years of medical care the salary will be almost one and a half million florins, while in in the case of more than 41 years of practice, the salary will be 7.3 million guilders. The gratitude money will be abolished and the legal relationship of the health service will be established, which will mean a more predictable career for all Hungarian health workers.

Said the evaluator of the year. Miklós Kásler added: the salary increase for health professionals has also begun, by 2022 a nurse will be looking 7 and a half times what she was looking for before 2016; Salaries for nurses increased 14 percent from January and another 20 percent from November. As you said, the next season will be in January 2022, when nurses’ salaries will increase another 30 percent.

The difficulties caused by the epidemic were also present in sports, but the government also provided assistance in this sector. Ten years ago, in 2010, 17.8 billion HUF were received for this purpose, and in 2020, 127 billion HUF. In view of the Olympic year, the state supported sixteen major sports with 8.5 billion HUF; This year, we allocated HUF 400 million to catch up on sports and HUF 125 million for the third phase of the talent management program for emerging sports.

– explained that recommendations have been made that define the short and long term future of sports. Finally, he also mentioned that in addition to hundreds of millions in sports financing, some new classrooms were built.

In the public education infrastructure development program, twenty-one new classrooms have been built, twenty-five new gymnasiums have been built for the summer of this year, twenty schools have been expanded with new classrooms, and six schools and a kindergarten have been built – extraordinary. .
