Index – National – Tímea Szabó was tough on Katalin Novák, explained how to actually open a window


Tímea Szabó, co-president of the Dialogue, accuses Katalin Novák of imitating a showcase in a Facebook post previously published by the minister without a portfolio responsible for families.

A Fidesz politician published the following entry before Christmas, on December 23:

In such cases, it is good to do a good cleaning in the apartment before Christmas. the crystal Cleaning nor can it be left out

– wrote Katalin Novák.

Tímea Szabó, for her part, recently claimed that the minister in the image above was only pretending to open the window, saying that the minister “made a rather ambiguous attempt to show the world that they live in the NER as normal people.” The politician presents three arguments that he believes prove Katalin Novák was actually just an alibi in the photo:

  1. Shop window decorating is not usually done with a “poisonous expensive ski jacket”, but with a garment that is not damaged and can be easily washed after work. Also, you don’t usually buy a coat to decorate shop windows.
  2. It is not customary to peel a window with a “handkerchief or stopper” but with newspaper.
  3. It is not customary to clean the window from the outside, from the patio.

According to Tímea Szabó, this case also serves as evidence of the “lies and hypocrisy” of the ruling party.

Katalin Novák has not yet responded to the letter.
