Road and bridge planning, as many expected, can begin


The government will provide 82 billion HUF for the preparation of new road, highway, ring road, crossings and bridge developments based on priority social needs, so that planning for seventy-four new road developments can begin, said Sunday the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) to the MTI.

According to the announcement, planned highway developments include:

  • the continuation of the M2 highway after Vác to the border,
  • preparation of the M44 section of the Békéscsaba highway that connects with Kecskemét,
  • the M49 motorway from the M3 motorway to the Romanian border, which provides a third four-lane connection to Transylvania,
  • the development of the M81, which will establish a north-south motorway between the M1 and the M7 away from Budapest, touching Székesfehérvár.

In addition, the quality of road connections between Szombathely and neighboring cities (Körmend, Kőszeg) will improve significantly.

Several preparatory projects form the basis for the four-lane sections of the main roads in, for example, Debrecen, Jászberény, Kecskemét, Nagykanizsa, Veszprém and Zalaegerszeg.

Road sections from Ajka to Zirc are being built in many settlements,

that improve local quality of life by relieving internal road sections. A new bridge can be built over the Danube in Mohács and Vác, over the Tisza in Szolnok and Szeged, and over the Sgamos in Sgamossályi.

The Ferenc Móra bridge in Szeged on the Tisza (illustration).Source: MTI / Rosta Tibor

In addition, the planning of motorways and major road junctions will begin, among others, in Balatonfüred, Gödöllő, Kunszentmárton and Üllő.The latest commitment will cover costs related to preparing investments between 2021 and 2026, which amount to more than HUF 26 billion next year alone. By providing the resource, it has become possible to finance and thus implement the next phase of work necessary for the progress of the projects. As has been written, the resources required for possible later stages of preparation, and subsequently for implementation, can be mobilized through new government decisions.

The statement quoted László Mosóczi, ITM Secretary of State for Transport Policy, as follows: The planned developments will allow safe, fast and convenient access to parts of the country that are currently difficult to access and time-consuming. The economies of settlements and areas connected to the road network will recover and become more attractive to investors who create jobs.

László Mosóczi, Secretary of State for Transport Policy of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology.Source: MTI / Balázs Mohai

The total budget for the Roads Program, which was launched in 2016, has so far been HUF 3.2 billion; With the initial preparations, the foundations of another HUF 3 billion will be prepared for road development. The planned investments will include approximately 1,200 kilometers of new and improved road sections, including approximately 560 kilometers of four-lane highways. – reported the Secretary of State, who recalled: In a government decision in November, the government has already allocated around 430 billion HUF for the implementation of four road developments based on high social needs. Between 2021 and 2024, the section of the M76 motorway between Fenékpuszta and Zalaegerszeg will be built, and the M6 ​​motorway will be completed with the construction of the section between Bóly and Ivándárda. The source also covers the four-lane section of the Szerencs-Gesztely section of main road 37 and the costs of the construction of the Sajószentpeter-Berente ring-road – the announcement reads.
