Index – Foreign – Coronavirus vaccines are already being cheated in the European Union


The European Police Office (Europol) has warned of coronavirus vaccine fraud in light of the vaccination campaign in European Union (EU) member states starting Sunday. There is a real danger that criminals will want to take advantage of the demand for the vaccine, Catherine De Bolle, CEO of Europol, told German newspapers Funke Media Group on Sunday. According to

there are already concrete indications of this.

As an example, he cited sales offers on social media. He added: Those who take advantage of these offers will not receive anything after payment, at best, they will receive a fake vaccine at worst. There can be significant health consequences if someone is a victim of such fraud. He said that Member States had already been warned of such possibilities and urged to be more vigilant. According to the director general of Europol, the authorities of the Member States must also be prepared for attempts to steal vaccines. During the first quarantine, for example, gangs attacked shipments of protective masks. This danger is now also the case with the vaccine, he said.

Katherine De Bolle stressed that Europol is trying to identify possible points where such crimes are particularly likely. Furthermore, there is special police cooperation in the EU to protect consignments.
