Index – Foreign – According to Turkmenistan, licorice may be the antidote to coronavirus


Turkmenistan is one of the few countries in the world where no coronavirus patients have been officially registered to date. Although the British ambassador himself in the capital, Ashgabat, said he had contracted the virus, the local media are eavesdropping on him.

Independent Online, a leading South African news portal, however, sent the world the first man in an authoritarian post-Soviet state to find a solution. According to Gurbanguly Mälikgulyýewiç Berdimuhammedow, licorice is excellent for prevention, and his country has large stocks.

This plant prevents the multiplication of the coronavirus and from it The recovered fluid can neutralize the infection even at high dilutions.

The head of state told his ministers to stick to his words and added that He had already instructed the Turkmenistan Academy of Sciences to investigate the plant in hopes of further positive effects.


Despite the denial of the presence of the virus, similar measures were taken in Turkmenistan as in other recognized infected parts of the world, only the imposition of them was imposed. “Harmful dust” from neighboring countries. In any case Since the summer visit of the World Health Organization, restaurants and non-food stores have closed, train and bus services have been closed, but the tests are not yet being tested.
