Tímea Szabó accuses Katalin Novák of pseudo-window dressing


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The political struggle will also not cease in the last days of the year: after immigration, the management of the epidemic and the arbitrary constitution, this time the opposition and the government were tense in a front case, more specifically, an iconic Fidesz policy. and Dialogue.

According to Tímea Szabó, Katalin Novák was only pretending to have painted a window in his house the day before Christmas, that is, the image delivered by the Minister of the Family on December 23 is in fact false and only serves for public relations purposes . This here:

It is undeniable that the presence on Facebook is important to Novák. He takes this seriously, he also posts regularly about his family. The family minister is one of those who awaits the recording on December 24, even in the heat of his home, in a full makeup arsenal.

However, according to Szabó, viewers are not only victims of loss of sight, but of outright manipulation. According to him, the posts are simply “quite ambiguous attempts by Novák to show the world: you live in the NER like normal people.”

According to him, one of Novák’s latest publications shows that Fidesz does not live like normal people, since they have already forgotten what it is, so he recommends that Novák abandon hypocrisy or hire a new communication team.

According to Szabó, the fake window cleaning door is available in three parts:

  • Ordinary people don’t open the window in an expensive ski jacket, but mostly in a medium-quality teddy bear top that is easy to wash. We don’t buy a coat to clean windows.
  • With a handkerchief or cigarette breaker, the shop window, newspaper and vinegar water last a long time, or less with a cleaning agent: “Your housewife must know this, I only suspect that you did not focus on the handkerchief you used when photographing “.
  • It is not worth going out to peel a window, because if you open it you can fix it from the inside.

According to the opposition deputy, people no longer eat the “violent, multifaceted housewife, casual, knitting poncho, window dressing invented by the Habony-Rogán axis” and meanwhile they are seen carrying a policy of exclusion.

With the decoding of violins, Szabó Varga is targeting Juditra, who is no less active on Facebook and who is also trying to look direct and human on social media. The knitting poncho is once again about Novák, who shared with his tens of thousands of followers beforehand what he is tying his little girl before putting the poncho under the tree.

By the way, Szabó’s post has nothing to do with the least vivid detail of Novák’s entry, according to which the minister listened to Péter Máté during the sumic.

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