Index – Culture – Magdolna’s martyrdom at the gunpowder factory can be seen online


I would have gone to theaters in the fall Tamás Buvári’s anti-war feature film, which also focuses on violence against women, but the presentation was all but washed away by another wave of the coronavirus epidemic. However, it can now be downloaded online.

The film presents two dramatic days of María Magdalena Bódi. A sunny day when he received a message of destiny from God in 1933, at the age of 12, and his last day when he did not even try to escape his doom. The latter is one of the last days of World War II in Hungary, when the Soviet army reaches the Lake Balaton region and a Russian soldier kills Magdolna. The inauguration of the young woman who died as a martyr began in March 2017 and her case is pending in the Vatican.

Cameraman Zsolt Tóth composed his work in black and white, for which László Kovács and Vilmos Zsigmond won prizes at the Hungarian Camera Competition.

Magdolna is defined by its visuality, we believe that suggestive images that affect emotions can open dimensions for viewers that cannot be counted on in words.

Thought the director.

She also shines out of the black and white medium with the understated play of Lady the Great, who plays the tragically destined gunpowder worker. The most to Bad poemsThe most important actress in the film, who was known to her, saw that the most important thing was that she lived for others, caring for the sick and injured.

For Magdolna it is clear that the bloodshed of war is the result of the madness of the power of humanity that turned away from God. Seeing the cruel slaughter, it is not hatred but love that grows in him as the only force that sustains the world.

This message is even more relevant at Christmas, the feast of love. But that’s what the movie is about300 people too bringing together fifty NGOs and institutions executed with community funding.
