the first Hungarians had already been vaccinated


On the second day of Christmas, the first Hungarian was vaccinated with a coronavirus vaccine. Vaccination of healthcare workers in Hungary started one day ahead of schedule. The truck carrying the vaccine developed by the United States and Germany crossed the Austro-Hungarian border at dawn. From there, he arrived at South Pest Central Hospital with police insurance, where a chief physician was the first to receive the vaccine. In the next few days, a total of about 5,000 health workers will be vaccinated, mainly those who work in the intensive care or emergency services. According to current plans, the next vaccine dose will arrive on December 31. By then, 35,000 people will be vaccinated in the order of priority established by the Operational Personnel.

The coronavirus vaccine manufactured by Pfizer and BioNTech arrived in Hungary at 6 a.m. with a police escort. The vaccine is stored in the truck under special conditions, refrigerated to minus 75 degrees. The vaccine is manufactured in Belgium and distributed throughout Europe.

The vaccine was the first in Hungary to reach the South-Pest Central Hospital in the capital. So far 9750 doses have been taken. This is enough to vaccinate 4,875 healthcare workers, as two vaccines, administered 21 days apart, are needed for protection. The results so far show that the German-American vaccine is effective and safe.

Domestic vaccinations have startedSource: MTI / Koszticsák Solid

95 percent efficiency

A total of 44,000 volunteers participated in the clinical trials, with healthcare professionals from 150 clinical centers working to make these trials a success. The vaccine has been shown to be 95% effective in clinical trials and is extremely safe as only local reactions usually occur after administration. The first vaccine was given to a worker who was exposed to the risks of a coronavirus infection every day.

I have been waiting for this moment for a long time to receive it. It depends on whether I can continue working – said Adrienne Kertész, chief physician of the Infection Control Department of the Central South Pest Hospital. The first vaccine was administered by János Slavik.

János Slavik gave the first vaccineSource: MTI / Koszticsák Solid

The chief infectologist at South Pest Central Hospital emphasized that Health workers receive the first doses because if they become infected and leave work, it is very difficult to replace them. The first vaccines are given to healthcare workers who work on the front line: in intensive care or emergency departments.

Miklós Kásler: We can mitigate the devastation of the epidemic

After the South Pest Center Hospital, the vaccines will be delivered to the National Institute of Pulmonology, the Semmelweis University Clinic, the András Jósa Teaching Hospital in Nyíregyháza and the Gyula Kenézy University Hospital in Debrecen. These institutions were the most affected by the epidemic. The vaccine has already arrived in Debrecen.

Hope has materialized, as the first vaccine was launched in Brussels on Christmas Day, raising hope that the devastating effects of the coronavirus epidemic can be mitigated in the coming quarters, in the coming months, and can be report significant results in the coming months. – said Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources.

Health workers get vaccinated firstSource: MTI / Koszticsák Solid

The first shipment of vaccines will be followed by newer ones in the coming weeks and will continue to vaccinate health workers for several weeks at the same rate.

Meanwhile, it turned out that the next vaccine quantity is scheduled to arrive on December 31. 35,000 people will be vaccinated in the order of priority previously established by the Operational Personnel.

Vaccination is safe, there are few complications.

Vaccination is safe, there have been a large number of people vaccinated with it in the world, and there were hardly any complications, the general director of the South Pest Central Hospital told public media. István Vályi-Nagy sees that the confidence of his colleagues in vaccination is strengthening, and then he was glad that the administration of serum was started at the Szent László Hospital in Hungary. He said the 125-year-old institution, which is the first line of care in a coronavirus epidemic, was originally built as a hospital for infections. He added that half of the vaccines that arrived at South Pest Central Hospital on Saturday will be placed in a refrigerator of minus 80 degrees Celsius until they are revaccinated.

The vaccine reaches more and more institutions in the countrySource: MTI / Koszticsák Solid

Information sheets and statements of consent must be completed prior to vaccination. The vaccination is followed by a 15 to 30 minute observation. The general director said that in the first round, the employees of the intensive care units of the Central South Pest Hospital and the surrounding hospitals will be vaccinated, then the employees of the emergency departments, after which the vaccination will continue with the employees of the general departments. István Vályi-Nagy stated that the vaccine is harmless and 95% of the protection develops after its administration. Therefore, he urges everyone, including his colleagues and the general public, to get vaccinated.
