Guess where we goIt would be good because we don’t know


All click search titles that start with “you won’t guess what happened” are familiar to us. This time, however, we are very confident that by studying the images, the reader will realize what happened. Or simply where. Because we don’t know.

We first try to identify the photos that go to Fortepan with the help of donors. If that doesn’t lead to success, hard-working volunteers will try to decipher the content of the photos on the FortePan Decipherments forum. They are often successful, sometimes inferring from seemingly insignificant little details when and where the photo was taken, and who can be seen in it. Based on the information collected and verifiable, the Fortepan volunteers, Simon Gyula and Péter Gábor edit the descriptions of the images on the page.

However, there are times when even the best acquaintances from the past get stuck. That is why it is slowly becoming a tradition to be kind to readers at the end of the year: here are some images that would be good to identify your place or characters. We hope that, as in previous years, the right solutions will emerge!

Solutions to [email protected] welcome to your email address! Please only write tips that can support in some way (they know the exact address, the location can be recognized on Google Street View, they have another photo to identify the subject of the image, etc.) and always indicate the number! It will be sent! a photo decryptor! But even you can join the Fortepan forums!

By clicking on the source code for each of our images, you can download the given photo in high resolution so that you can examine the details more closely.

Fortepan / Lechner Nonprofit Kft. Documentation Center / VÁTI # 32559 | Hungary, 1980. The design of the trash can, electrical cabinet, doors, clothes and, of course, the shopping bag could help you calculate the age. If we were curious. However, we are now looking for the location. We are on the border of two worlds, on the left is the firebreak of an old house, on the right is the new urbanization. And in the middle, on the empty lot, are the “temporary” garages. What is the situation here now? If the neighborhood is exclusive, then the garages, but perhaps the old building site, will be a newly built condo. But it could also be that time has stopped in this field and all the points look the same as in this photo.
Fortepan / Zoltán Szalay # 198721 | What would this porch building look like before it was turned into a post office? Or was it originally built for that? We do not know, but it is true that it once had a clean fence, of which in 1970 only the door remained as a bike rack and mailbox. The letters of the curved POSTA inscription follow the text of the coat of arms very well. Or would they just not fit correctly horizontally?
Fortepan / Tamás Urbán # 40702 | The year is the same, only the location is different, we are probably on the edge of a settlement. The three globes are adorned with proud advertising inscriptions that also advertise the “services” of some “service” and a “work” of some “saved” from a forty-year perspective. Maybe the Tiszamenti chemicals? Maybe the MHSZ in Szolnok didn’t even have to take its hot air balloon far?
Fortepan / Zoltán Szalay # 198494 | Ecstasy from five to ten. We would not have thought that in the winter of 2020 we would envy the partiers of the 70s with envy. They could enjoy the music of the “disc jockey”, strictly quoted, in the house of culture for up to ten hours. But where? Unfortunately, the church tower doesn’t help us either, but we hope someone will. In fact, we may have a reader who paid the six florins for the “club dance” at that time!
Fortepan / Veszprém County Archives / Kozelka Tivadar # 70509 | Target shooting in 1940. At first we only notice the soldier holding the rifle, then the children in uniform as they are watched. Only then do the figures behind them appear, as if they were lying on something elevated on a stretcher: practicing a target shooting, with their feet facing the camera. It must have been a lot of fun for the guys back then. What happened to them a few years later when they had to take up arms as young adults?
Fortepan / Lissák Tivadar # 73006 Satisfied waiter, slightly worried waiter and dog. The latter is presumably with them in all circumstances. After the war, before nationalization, with subtitles to navigate. The name of a business and restaurant owner written in two fonts, a spent “brandy” and a “candy,” and two signs to prove it: Breweries were still spraying beverage measures with their ads at the time. The only question is where the photo was taken.
Fortepan / Hungarian Geographical Museum / Mór Erdélyi Company # 86750 | If turn-of-the-century Budapest has a well-documented village-like neighborhood, that’s Tabán. His lovers know every corner and can pinpoint the exact location of seemingly insignificant building details. However, this street scene, on which several houses can be accurately removed, has been waiting for years to be resolved. Maybe the solution is a slap, has it escaped the attention of experts so far? Maybe the location was provided incorrectly and it’s not even Taban? Maybe we are in another Tabán? After all, there are several settlements with this name in the country, the best known is Esztergom. We wait for the solution!
To Elizabeth / Erzsnyz Vizsnyiczai # 130589 | We know the exact location of this image: Győr, the intersection of Király Street (then Constitución) and Dr. Kovács Pál Street. We just don’t know the soap bubble couple. However, they may have been characteristic figures of the city in the late 1960s, as they appear in various photographs. does anyone know anything about them?
Fortepan / Zoltán Szalay # 191148 | I love the buzzword because it perfectly returns the feeling of an architectural space. And this picture perfectly reproduces the atmosphere of the doorbell: you can almost hear the sound of resonant and resonant speech fragments, shaking, screaming, slipping, precipitation. We just don’t know where we are going. Several similar schools have been built in the country, but ceramic tiles can help us. As is the ethnographic exhibition, which perhaps shows art from the same region where the school is located.
Fortepan / Sándor Bojár # 195652 | Have any of our readers visited this AFI service to request a Lada oil change or a bottom wash for their Trabant? The photo was taken in the late 1970s, but it is highly likely that this colony could have looked like this fifteen years later. Or who knows, maybe not much has changed to this day?
Fortepan / Zoltán Szalay
Fortepan / Zoltán Szalay # 199087 and # 199088 | These sad photographs could have been taken in a part of the settlement condemned to redevelopment. It is not easy to decide how much has collapsed on its own and how much of the consciously demolished part of these buildings. Luckily, the little girl who walks in front of them, waving her backpack, indicates that life does not stop, there is always something new to come. The only question here is what has become so secure. What can remain in this place now?
Fortepan / AR # 163130 | This flawless recording was made in 1970, probably in a construction field. The sad flowerbed with the red star, the pearl-shaped formation, the unrealistically tilted flagpole, and the trouser legs swinging over the ankle in bitterly tolerated socks bitterly evoke the spirit of age and place. Probably everyone present could have hated having to stand there in the blazing sun. But where? And on what occasion?
Fortepan / Gábor Viktor # 194311 | Similar hairstyle, gesture and ice cream, but still three different styles of clothing. Of course, this does not help identify the location, nor does the CSÉB ad standing out in the background. On the other hand, the sign on the sidewalk and the ornate, modern bent iron trellis behind the girls may look familiar to someone.
Fortepan / Zoltán Szalay # 198827 | Where can this beautiful Art Nouveau apartment building be? From the window frames to the balcony railing, they are decorated with folk motifs. The pergola columns in the foreground make it difficult to decide whether they are located in an interior courtyard or framed by a French courtyard facing the street. And of course it would be nice to know where that particular street is!
Fortepan / Gábor Viktor
Fortepan / Gábor Viktor # 194313 and # 194314 Two beautiful images of a mower factory. In 1975, there were still enough people mowing the lawn by hand that it paid off making the tool on a large scale. But where were these photos taken? Maybe at the legendary Szentgotthárd Mower Factory? Or somewhere else?

Posted by Dávid Zubreczki Image Editor: István Virágvölgyi

You can find more articles in the Weekly Fortepan series at The blog is a professional collaboration between Fortepan and Capa Center.
