Index – Foreigner – Pope Francis: Vaccination must be available to all


In times exacerbated by the current ecological crisis and the coronavirus pandemic, we need brotherhood more than ever, Pope Francis said in his traditional Christmas Day message on Friday.


Photo: MTI / EPA / Vatican Media

Due to the epidemic, the Catholic Archbishop delivered his message in the blessed hall protected by glass doors instead of the central loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica, as well as the traditional blessing of urbi et orbi that the world could follow in broadcasts of live video. In it, he emphasized that vaccination against Covid-19 should be available to everyone, especially the most vulnerable groups.

Faced with a challenge that knows no borders, we cannot build walls. We all row in the same boat

The Pope declared, who prayed for those affected by the epidemic, including women who suffered domestic violence due to the quarantine. He also spoke about the difficulties of family encounters.

My thoughts at the moment are moving to families, to those who cannot reunite now because they need to stay home.

he said before wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

Due to the coronavirus epidemic in Italy, there is a national quarantine during the Christmas and New Year holidays, so St. Peter’s Square and the Basilica cannot be visited. fatheri during ceremonies.
