The new section of the Hungarian highway will cost 4,500 million per kilometer


Strabag Építő Kft., Together with Duna Aszfalt Út és Mélyépítő Kft., Won the construction of the continuation of the M6 ​​motorway, the section between Bóly and the border, with a net supply of more than 90 billion. The estimated consideration was 13 billion less, almost 78 billion HUF.

Photo: MTI Photo / Tamás Kovács

The result of the public tender was announced by the contracting authority NIF Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt. In the EU public procurement bulletin on 24 December.

The new section of the motorway, which will be built as part of an investment of over HUF 90 billion, will be 20 kilometers long, or HUF 4.5 billion per kilometer. The design speed is 130 kilometers per hour. The new highway will have a 2×2 traffic lane and a split lane in the middle. Three separate traffic crossings will also be built. The winners signed a contract with the winners on December 12.

In addition to the winner, Swietelsky Magyarország Kft., EuroAszfalt Építő és Szolgáltató Kft. And the SDD Consortium, whose members are the following: Dömper Kft., Subterra – Raab Kft., Pannon-Doprastav Kft., Also participated in the competition.
