Szobol recently called a FSZB staff member who is believed to be involved in the poisoning of the opposition activist. He could receive two years in prison.

Criminal proceedings began on Friday against one of the allies and lawyer for the Russian law enforcement agency Alexei Navalny, Ljubov Stato. After an early search at his Moscow apartment house, Szobol was brought in for questioning by the Russian Commission of Inquiry, Navalny and several of his supporters said.

Navalny’s defenders said that the search of the house presumably resulted in authorities reacting to the fact that Szobol visited the home of an alleged Russian secret agent, an employee of the Federal Security Service (FSB), and called his apartment. Navalny previously said the man had something to do with the failed assassination attempt on him in August. The FSB denied and called Navalny this claim a provocation.

A room had already been produced for a short time on Monday, after he called the alleged secret agent’s apartment but was not allowed in.

Ivan Zhdanov, a lawyer for the Navalny-led Anti-Corruption Fund, said Sobol had been prosecuted for private violations, punishable by two years in prison.

Navalny was flown to Germany in August after being ill on a Russian plane. The opposition politician was poisoned with rookie-type neurotoxins. The Kremlin has repeatedly denied that the Russian authorities had anything to do with the poisoning.

Lyubov’s statue also plans to run in next year’s lower house elections.

Police confiscated their computers and phones during Friday’s home search, Navalny and his supporters said.

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