The extraordinary legal order at home ended, a proclamation overthrew the acquisitions scandal – this was June 2020


Parliament voted for the end of the extraordinary legal order, the summer could begin, with more Lake Balaton, less Adria. The country breathed a sigh of relief, but Secretary of State Tamás Menczer said 16,000 ventilators had been bought at 300 billion HUF due to the epidemic. China continued to slowly engulf Hong Kong, prompting the United States to take criminal action. In Poland, for the second time, presidential elections were held normally, where the total unity of the opposition did not reach the right-wing government either. Thus began the summer of 2020.

On June 17, the Law for the Elimination of Emergency Situation due to Coronavirus Epidemic was published, as well as the Law of Transitional Regulations and Epidemiological Preparation Related to Emergency Elimination. This marked the end of an era in Hungary: the government thus launched the extraordinary legal order and gave people the opportunity to have an almost normal summer. The government stressed that the population should not travel abroad a lot, but rather spend their summer vacations at home.

The request seemed so logical that even CNN wrote that Lake Balaton could have a sense of life again in 2020, as it is easily accessible from the region, cheaper than one or two European resorts while its infrastructure is sufficiently developed. Hungarian tourism experts also hoped to handle the traffic of the decade, although it would be nearly impossible to hold festivals around the lake. Catering and lodging services responded with price increases, but the backwardness of foreigners caught up with the price increase.

From an epidemiological point of view, it was a small consequence that the periodic press conferences of the National Medical Chief Cecília Müller on the work of the Operational General Staff were stopped. Until the second wave, I had to say goodbye to the daily reports.

One of the important debates in the management of the Hungarian epidemic was confirmed by a speech by the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tamás Menczer, which revealed that 16,000 ventilators had been bought for 300,000 million HUF due to the pandemic. This thematized public discourse for a long time, because the quantity purchased and the price of assets also seemed unnecessarily high. In the case of the former, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán himself previously said that even according to the most dismal epidemiological forecasts, a maximum of 8,000 machines may be needed together, and the country already had a stock of about 3,000. The government explained the prices to the demand market, that is, all countries tried to buy assets during the first wave of spring, but even at home they managed to do cheaper business, not only abroad. Then it was revealed in turn which more suspicious sellers they were buying from.

In Poland, a presidential election was called

Originally, the first round of the Polish presidential elections would have been held in May, or more precisely. The peculiarity was caused by the fact that, due to the epidemic situation, no one considered mass voting safe, but the government persevered, and then at the last minute came the nonsensical solution that while the voting stations would be open, the procedure would not be valid. The House of Commons then voted to hold the first round of the previously postponed Polish presidential elections on June 28 due to the coronavirus epidemic and a lack of political consensus.

This was finally achieved without error, with the current Polish president, Andrzej Duda, who started with the support of the Governor of Justice and Justice (PiS), winning it, but did not obtain the absolute majority of votes, so he and the main force opposition, the Civil Platform (PO). ) led by a coalition candidate, Warsaw Mayor Rafal Trzaskowski, to hold a runoff two weeks later.

The new empire invaded Hong Kong

As early as May 21, it was revealed that the Beijing Central Party and power were working again to restrict Hong Kong’s special status with a new national security law that allowed the extradition of convicts and suspects. The draft, which was made public, gave a new impetus to the resistance movement that had already broken out in 2019 for the same reason, maintaining the mass movements until the end of the month, which did not fall short until June. First, the UK, the US, Canada and Australia issued a joint resolution not to support the change and hoped China would abide by the 1997 Sino-British feedback agreement, which handed the London government over to the communist regime, but it left wide autonomy to the island state.

In the foreign policy line, the beginning of the month was active: for the first time, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that they would change the citizenship rules and facilitate the immigration of Hong Kong, to acquire citizenship. And the United States, in turn, began to ban Chinese politicians because of Hong Kong, in response to which the communist regime began to take similar measures. Then the European Union came out in a joint declaration in favor of the independence of the island state.

Despite internal resistance, criticism and foreign actions, the Communist Party criticized the new law on June 30 in a secret and anonymous vote. At first, the official organizations and interest groups of the protesters ended their formal activities so that they were not the target of the National Security Law, and then everything was transformed into a flexible network, where people began to turn protests into self-organization. In essence, it became like stoning under ancient Jewish law: if everyone throws stones, it is unknown who killed the sinner, so no one commits murder, that is, if everyone is an organizer, there is no real organizer. As early as July 1, new demonstrations had already started, with hundreds of people arrested by the Chinese authorities.
