Index – National – The first shipment of vaccines will arrive in Hungary on Saturday morning, the police will accompany it


The coronavirus vaccine will arrive in Hungary on December 26 and vaccination of healthcare workers will begin the next day, the Coronavir Virus Press Center told MTI on Thursday.

Hungary receives the first approved coronavirus vaccine in Europe, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The vaccine shipment is expected to cross the Hungarian border early in the morning, from where it will arrive first at the South Pest Central Hospital with police insurance, and then at four more hospital vaccination points. Government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirály previously said 5,500 doses of vaccine would arrive.

Vaccination of health workers will begin on Sunday, December 27.

Vaccines that require minus 70 degrees of cooling come in special boxes with a tracker and a temperature sensor. The first shipment contains 9,750 doses of vaccine, which allows the vaccination of 4,875 health workers, since a person must receive two vaccines 21 days apart.

The first shipment of vaccine will be delivered to five designated hospital vaccines:

  • first to South Pest Central Hospital,
  • the same day to the National Institute of Early Pneumology,
  • to the Semmelweis University Clinic,
  • to the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospital in Nyíregyháza
  • and the Gyula Kenézy University Hospital of the University of Debrecen.

The first shipment will be followed by newer shipments in the coming weeks and it will continue to vaccinate healthcare workers for several weeks at the same rate.

In the first half of 2021, pharmaceutical authorities are expected to authorize new vaccines, and then additional vaccines may arrive in Hungary to begin mass vaccination of the population.
