What else can come? Another mutant virus has appeared in Britain


British Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced at a press conference in Downing Street on Wednesday that British health authorities had detected an even newer version of the coronavirus in two patient organizations that had originally been identified in South Africa.

According to Hancock, this mutation has been shown to spread even faster than the new variant recently detected in the UK. According to the minister, those infected in the UK were in close contact with those who had been in South Africa in recent weeks.

Matt Hancock said that the British government had restricted access from South Africa with immediate effect and ordered that everyone who had been to South Africa in the last two weeks, as well as those who had been in close contact with them recently, be quarantined from righ now.

The Health Minister stressed that it was a temporary measure pending a comprehensive examination of this variant of coronavirus by experts from the Public Health Service (PHE) at the British Department of Defense Chemical and Biological Research Institute in Porton Down. , South West England. . The minister stated:

Starting the day after Christmas, the strictest fourth tier of the four tier grooming system will be extended to other parts of England.

which has been in effect in London and the area in general for days. Professor Susan Hopkins, head of PHE, said on BBC television on Wednesday that the new variants of the coronavirus detected in Britain and South Africa show mutational similarities to each other, but have evolved independently of each other.

He added that he was confident that immediate quarantine measures and travel restrictions in South Africa would prevent the new version from spreading in the UK. According to the Ministry of Health on Wednesday night

In the last week, 236,275 new coronavirus infections were detected through screening tests across the country, 89,816, 61.3 percent more than in the same period of the previous week.

In the last 24 hours, 744 people have died from Covid-19 disease caused by a coronavirus infection. It’s been since April

the highest daily death rate in Britain.

More than 3,800 congested trucks on the UK side began crossing into France on Wednesday evening after French authorities opened a border closed to traffic from the UK on Monday due to the launch of a new version of the coronavirus in the UK. Under the agreement with London, those who have passed a rapid test can pass, and the result is negative. On Wednesday, truckers enraged by the long wait repeatedly clashed with police in the British port of Dover.

As is well known, Hungary also does not accept aircraft from Great Britain.
