Index – National – DIGI was fined HUF 45 million for a deceptive campaign


DIGI launched its mobile phone service with a deceptive campaign for consumers, including a bogus promise of unlimited mobile internet, according to an investigation by the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH).

the authority imposed a fine of HUF 45 million for the infringement.

GVH’s competition supervision procedure, concluded on December 21, established that the “Try with us” campaign launched in 2019 and the 2020 “Try it” campaign of DIGI Távközlési és Szolgáltató Kft. (DIGI), which introduced the DIGI services Mobile, implemented unfair business practices.

However, according to the study, the company’s promotional advertisements, which include billboards and television, are emphasized.

They emphasized the possibility of unlimited mobile internet, while the contracts included the possibility of restricting or slowing down the service’s traffic.

It was also misleading that some of the campaign ads suggested that the new service was available to anyone. However, only consumers who live in the coverage area and already have a DIGI / Ininvitel subscription can access the program, that is, a narrower circle.

The telecommunications company’s campaigns also illegally silenced in the initial period that the possibility of roaming was not yet available under the service, in the absence of adequate partnership agreements. This is an essential feature of a mobile service that can influence consumer choice.

When imposing the fine, the competition authority also took into account the fact that even before the competition supervision procedure, the company itself, by expanding its services, corrected the fraud, made roaming available and abolished the restriction of the competition. data traffic.
