Approved by parliament, complete short circuit arrives in Austria


In Austria a total shutdown will again be ordered from December 26, and on Tuesday parliament also approved the relevant government decree, writes the MTI.

On the second day of Christmas, the 24-hour curfew will be reinstated in Austria. In addition to stores and pharmacies that sell essential items, other business units and service providers that require close contact, such as hairdressers, estheticians, nail and massage parlors, will be closed. The museums, libraries, galleries that have already opened will close again, and hotels, restaurants, bars, venues will not yet be able to receive guests, restaurants will only be able to bring food.

The provisions will mainly apply until January 4 because Austria’s Coronavirus Law stipulates that a curfew can only be imposed for a maximum of ten days. Therefore, the parliament will hold an extraordinary session on January 4 to decide again on the extension planned by the government.

Mass test before opening

The weekend before the grand opening, originally scheduled for January 18, massive testing will take place across the country, and anyone who doesn’t submit will have another week, until January 24, for a strict shutdown. This means that although commercial units, restaurants, cultural and sports facilities can open on January 18, those who do not have a negative test will not be able to visit these spaces for another week.

The entry restrictions in effect from December 19, which originally would only have lasted until January 11, have been extended until January 18. According to them, anyone who wishes to enter the territory of Austria during this time must be subject to a 10-day quarantine and can only be examined on the fifth day of the quarantine.

However, contrary to previous news, school education will start on January 7, however, only in the form of distance learning. The normal opening of the schools is also expected on January 18.

The decision to open the ski slopes had previously been handed over to the provinces by the government, but it also mandated the mandatory use of an FFP2 face mask on the ski lifts and lifts, a rule that does not apply to children under 14 years of age.

Have a little christmas

As austerity will only come into effect on the second day of Christmas and people will be able to celebrate the 24th and 25th in a circle of ten more, Rudolf Anschober again drew the public’s attention to compliance with the rules for wearing masks, distance and hygiene in force.

As tempting as it is to spend the holidays in a family circle, keep that circle to a minimum.

The minister was quoted by the Austrian daily Die Presse.

In Austria, 1,853 people have been recently diagnosed with the virus in the last 24 hours and 342,226 cases have been recorded since the outbreak began. The number of people hospitalized with the coronavirus disease is 2,922 and the number of people in need of intensive care is 487. 105 people died from complications of the disease caused by the infection last day, raising the death toll at 5,540.
