In Germany, the intensification of the second wave of the epidemic could take weeks. Meanwhile, a record number of new infections have been identified in England.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is a partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

In Germany, it is estimated that the second wave of the epidemic could intensify for weeks, and the data is not yet available, but it is very likely that a new, more highly contagious version of the virus, identified in Britain, has gone unnoticed, he said. Lothar Wieler of the Robert Koch National Health Agency. Institute (RKI) in Berlin on Tuesday.

According to the leader, Germany is in the worst stage of the epidemic so far, and the spread of the virus can only be stopped by reducing contact with the risk of infection. Therefore, everyone should spend the holidays in the closest family circle possible and avoid travel.

Tough weeks are coming, let’s not make them even more difficult

– said the president of the RKI, who said that the restrictions tightened in early December have not yet led to a reversal of the trend, the number of new infections and deaths from the epidemic continues to rise and the burden on the health system has reached a critical level.

Furthermore, not only are intensive care units starting to fill up, but other wards are “less and less free,” and many hospitals have switched to emergency mode as more and more doctors become infected with the new type of coronavirus. (SARS-CoV-2), said the expert.

According to RKI data on Tuesday, there have been 19,528 infections in the last 24 hours. This is a 35 percent increase from 14,432 a week earlier. Along with the new cases, SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in more than one and a half million people: 1,530,180.

731 deaths in one day were reported in relation to illness caused by the virus (Covid-19). The death toll from the epidemic amounted to 27,006 in Germany.

The number of people in need of intensive care for Covid-19 increased from 49 to 5,216 in one day, according to the summary of the professional organization of intensive care and accident care (DIVI) this Tuesday. 52 percent (2,726 patients) need mechanical ventilation. According to the DIVI report, 26,806 intensive care beds are operated nationwide, of which 4,768 are free.

Never have so many infected been found in England as on Tuesday

In England, meanwhile, the highest daily number of coronavirus infections have been recorded since the start of mass screening. In the past 24 hours, 36,804 new infections have been identified by screening across the country, the Health Ministry said Tuesday night.

In the week ending Tuesday, a total of 222,199 coronavirus infections were examined with the tests. This is 84,323, 61.2 percent more than the number of new infections detected in the same period a week earlier.

According to the British government’s calculation methodology, which takes into account deaths within 28 days of being diagnosed with coronavirus infection, 691 patients have died from Covid-19 disease caused by coronavirus infection in the last 24 hours. .

In the week ending Tuesday, there were 3,400 deaths in the UK coronavirus epidemic, an increase of 526, up 18.3 percent from the same period last week.

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According to its developer, vaccination with Pfizer / BioNTech also protects against new mutations in the coronavirus


It could be effective against the British spread variant and, if necessary, they could develop the vaccine in six weeks, BioNTech said. The vaccine will be marketed as Cominarty.

KSH: only 15 percent of Hungarians would be vaccinated against the coronavirus
At home

More than a third of those surveyed would not get the vaccine.