Stomach-churning series of anti-Semitic attacks in France against Miss France 2020 runner-up


This choice of beauty queen would have been special basically because the journalist Maurice de Waleffe held the first contest of its kind just 100 years ago, in 1920. And obviously, at the time of the epidemic, each event suggests that, in a limited way, life moves on.

Of course, the current election of beauty queen will not be historic because of this solemn occasion, but because of the vile unprecedented anti-Semitic attacks with which one of the contestants was attacked.

April Benayoum, beauty queen from the province of Provence, affected by anti-Semitic attacks against her father of Israeli descentSource: AFP / Loic Venance

On April 10, 10 minutes before the leading French commercial television show, TF1, was followed by April Benayoum’s debut clip of “Miss Provence”, at which point the young woman “was already a favorite of many users of Internet, “wrote Le Figaro. In the report, April Benayoum testified: “I could have started the race earlier, when I was 18, 19 or 20, but I didn’t feel completely ready for that at the time. I felt more mature this year. “April Benayoum, a geography enthusiast who specializes in marketing and is sensitive to the environment and sensitive to environmental protection, then revealed interesting details about her origins:” My origins are quite diverse . My mother is Serbian-Croatian and my father Israeli-Italian. “

Amandine Petit, beauty queen of the Normandy province and winner of the Miss France 2021 beauty pageantSource: AFP / Loic Venance

Subsequently, on Facebook and especially on Twitter, an unprecedented regular anti-Semitic message war broke out in April in Benayum at such an event. Also, by facing the last winner of the contest, Amandine Petit de Normandía, and finally being chosen as the first lady of the court. “Our father Hitler forgot to destroy her, Miss Provence,” someone wrote, according to Le Figaro. – read in another post. “Provence, since he said he was Israeli, I have not been able to bear it,” wrote another internet user.

Today it is not yet known exactly how many Twitter messages have been received, it will be revealed after a prosecution investigation into “racist incitement and provocation.” By the way, there are many thousands.

Amandine Petit and April Benayoum at the end of the 2021 Miss France beauty queen electionsSource: AFP / Loic Venance

Anti-Semitic Twitter war with Palestinian flag

In the insults, more than once, the Palestinian flag also appears, suggesting the exact opposite of what the Voici tabloid was trying to claim, as Voici wanted to avoid the rather plausible assumption that Muslims were Jews. The Palestinian flag, on the other hand, clearly shows that the twitters were not neo-Nazis, as Voici was trying to believe, but could have been far-left.

Why didn’t Twitter do anything?

“Twitter, like other social networks, is regularly accused of contributing to the dissemination of violent and hateful content. Some messages can still be read – this is not acceptable. Social networks must also take responsibility “, said Marlène Schiappa, Minister of Citizenship. Twitter could have blocked the links of words of” Miss Provence / Israel “very quickly by activating its filters and removing this content immediately,” said AFP in a statement. The news agency Noémie Madar, president of the Union of French Jewish Students (UEJF), who also pointed out that “in these types of cases it is particularly difficult to investigate the identity of the author due to anonymity, but it is also difficult to do something about it. In these cases, the truth is compromised by anonymity, since the messages come from somewhere abroad, from another jurisdiction, so both the authors and the providers are protected, which makes it difficult to disclose the data of the authors in question. in its recommendations to law enforcement agencies “Twitter is otherwise a long list of refers to its restrictions that (supposedly) protect users’ personal information.

Noémie Madar, president of the Union of French Jewish Students (UEJF). The president said that Twitter had taken no action against anti-Semitism.Source: AFP / Thomas Samson

“The lack of mass immigration and assimilation ruined the Miss France competition”

“The initiation of the investigation sends a message to the perpetrators of (anti-Semitic) incitement that hate speech and anti-Semitic messages must not go unpunished, and I hope they will be punished and held accountable,” confirmed Marlène Schiappa, Minister of Citizenship. , former Secretary of State for the Fight against Discrimination.

Éric Dupond-Moretti, French Minister of JusticeSource: AFP / Charles Platiau

Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti said that “justice looks at the authors of anti-Semitic messages with wide eyes”, while Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin was “deeply shocked” by the messages and assured all that “the police and gendarmes had mobilized.”

Gérald Darmanin, French Minister of the Interior.Source: Facebook

“#MissProvence, target of anti-Semitic attacks on social media, this is unacceptable! The fight against anti-Semitism is not over yet, let’s fight those who incite hatred, ”wrote Eric Ciotti, a close associate of former Republican President Nicolas Sarkozy, a Republican MP.

Eric Ciotti, a member of parliament for the French Republicans, who said that the fight against anti-Semitism in France was not over and that those who incite hatred should be fought.Source: AFP / Thomas Samson

“Unacceptable anti-Semitism should not be left behind,” wrote former Socialist Prime Minister Manuel Valls. and MP Gilbert Collard made it even harder: “Full support for” Miss Provence “, whose beauty sparked a heinous attack by anti-Semites that was launched only by Israeli descent. These damn mentally ill (So!) are ruining it everything”. – wrote a member of the European Parliament.

Julien Odoul, a member of parliament for the French National Agglomeration (RN) party, who said the facts show that the Miss France competition was also spoiled by a lack of mass immigration and assimilation.Forrás: Photo12 via AFP / Damien Grenon / Photo12 / Damien Grenon

But the French Commissioner for the Internal Market of the European Commission, Thierry Breton, also responded to the series of anti-Semitic messages. Breton said that “community platforms will be required that provide an opportunity to respond to ‘hate speech’ by posting information about the senders of the messages.”

Meanwhile, the new “Miss France 2021”, Amandine Petit, defended her first lady of the court. “It is a terrible disappointment, I did not think that it would be so possible in the time we live in,” the beauty queen told BFMTV, then added that “the health situation Thanks to our peculiar and complicated situation, I do not believe that these messages racists and anti-Semites have a place in a beauty pageant. I think these messages are completely unacceptable as I fully support April Benayoum. And the fact that she was chosen as the first lady of the court means that she deserved to enter the competition.

The beauty queen’s TF1 channel also condemned the anti-Semitic messages, and Sylvie Tellier, president of Miss France, wrote on her Instagram account that she was “shocked” adding that “sadly in 2021 those messages are still needed.” we refused … and I thought the year 2020 would bring a little tolerance and mutual respect. But unfortunately no, I was wrong, and that’s because of social networks … “

April Benayoum also responded to anti-Semitic messages. In an interview with the newspaper “Nice-Matin”, he said: “I did not see anything live, I know the messages I received from my relatives. It is sad to help with such statements in 2020. I understandably condemn these attacks, but they did not touch me at all I did not want to. Not to provoke anyone. France is cosmopolitan, the beauty queens come from different origins, they have different cultures, they come from other regions, and that is exactly what is beautiful in this competition.

Sylvie Tellier, president of the Miss France company. He believes that everything is due to the social network.Forrás: AFP / Anne-Christine Poujoulat
