Vaccine: side effect is mandatory, we use active immunization


If few, only 10-20 or even 30 percent of the population are vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine, then the level of protection will not be enough to stop the epidemic, as it would require protection and vaccination of 60-70 per cent. cent, he told Inforadio. Andras Falus immunologist. Therefore, it is not a completely private matter whether someone gets vaccinated or not.

The specialist said there was no need to worry about vaccines being made in a hurry and therefore might not be reliable.

Because modern biotechnology, molecular biology and genetics have undergone leaps and bounds, collaboration and open development like the current, public and responsible, scientifically debated exchanges of information that have been in the world since March have never been in history. of humanity. The immunologist believes that the ten months we have passed are many times longer, significantly, as has happened so far with measles, mumps and smallpox.

When someone is vaccinated, the side effect is not only dangerous, but mandatory, because we carry out an active immunization, says András Falus.

“If a small local swelling doesn’t develop, if the puncture site doesn’t hurt the next day and it turns red, maybe there will be no fever, the vaccination will fail. This is because the cells must teach the immune system to remember, in the immune sense of the word, that it is dealing with a dangerous pathogen here. Keep memory cells ready for the appearance of a subsequent bacterium or virus for effective control ”, explained the expert.

  • The mild side effect is when the vaccinated person feels a little more pain, cannot get up, the swelling lasts longer, or the lymph nodes may swell, which occurs in an average of 1 in 50 people.
  • A more serious side effect than, say, temporary numbness in the affected area, a high fever, affects about 1 in 10,000 people.
  • But as long as someone has a life-threatening allergic symptom, it occurs in 1 in 5 million cases.
