There is an agreement on the new Romanian government, it could be Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor


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The agreement on joint governance between 2020-2024 was concluded on Monday by the National Liberal Party (NLP), the Let’s Save Romania Alliance (USR) and the Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS), which has so far ruled Romania in minority. (DAHR).

A center-right coalition of 56 percent of parliamentary votes is asking current Finance Minister Florin Citu (PNL) for a government-formation mandate from the head of state.
Additionally, PNL President Ludovic Orban, Dan Barna and Dacian Ciolos, USR-PLUS co-chairs, and DAHR President Kelemen Hunor signed the agreement in parliament on Monday.

In government, the two smaller parties will each have a deputy prime minister without a portfolio, with the PNL nominating 9 ministers, the USR-PLUS 6 and the DAHR nominating 3 ministers.


On Monday, it also turned out that the DAHR will nominate Hunor Kelemen, Attila Cseke, Barna Tánczos and Eduárd Károly Novák for the incoming government of Citu.

Under the proposal, DAHR will appoint Kelemen Hunor, DAHR president, as Deputy Prime Minister, Attila Cseke, Development Minister, Barnát Tánczos, Environment Minister, and Eduárd Károly Novák, Youth Minister.

Kelemen Hunor said that the coalition negotiations had been going on for ten days with brief interruptions, but that the text was also being finalized at the time of the press conference.

The DAHR president said that a separate chapter has been dedicated to minorities in the government program, which includes institutional guarantees for the preservation of identity. The program also includes the passage of a law on the status of minorities, as required by the constitution. He considered it probable that the law that the Tariceanu government had approved in parliament in 2007 would be dusted off and recast.

According to Kelmen Hunor, the government program also includes lowering the threshold above which minority rights in local administration belong to local government by amending the administrative code. However, he noted that the government program does not specify exactly how long the current 20 percent rate will be reduced. He also mentioned that DAHR’s proposals were included in the economic, labor and development chapter of the program. However, the two-round mayoral election called by the USR was not included in the government program because the DAHR did not agree. He added that it was agreed with the coalition partners that the government program could only contain clauses in which there would be an agreement between the three political entities that make up the coalition.

Kelemen Hunor said that in addition to the positions of deputy prime minister and minister, DAHR also has 12 secretaries of state and one deputy secretary of state.

We have written in detail about the most important lessons of the election. (via MTI)

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