According to the Slovak medical director, many hospitals are on the brink of collapse.


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Slovak Medical Director Ján Mikas published an open letter on Monday, summarized by New Word. As he said, hospitals these days are under the greatest burden all the time during the epidemic, and the outlook is not good. Many hospitals are already on the brink of collapse.

“I would wholeheartedly like to relax the current measures, or the ubiquitous regulations and bans that we have put in place, in a sincere effort to protect them from the tragic consequences of the spread of Covid-19 disease,” Mikas wrote in her letter. that the situation does not allow this luxury.

As he said, if there were no new cases in the next few days, the hospital workers wouldn’t feel it for weeks. He also pointed out that the endless sacrifice, exhaustion, frustration, more than once despair and anger of health workers and epidemiologists is a real thing at the same time, so he asked people to do their best. to create life-saving conditions.

According to the medical director, people must accept the fact that this year’s Christmas holidays will be more modest: “Not because of the curfew, not because of the measures in the regulations, not because of the border area and the control of the hosts, but not even for penalties. But because our families and the communities in which we like to spend our free time are important to us … ”

He then continued: “We are considering each of our paths. Let’s ask the question without exaggeration: is it vital? ”He said that people should not leave their homes and meet people who are outside their small established group.

2020 was an extraordinary year. The coronavirus epidemic and the deepening economic crisis in its wake have put us all to the test, and the government has also used this dire crisis to further strengthen its already unprecedented power.

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