Index – Foreign – According to the Russian service, a foreign provocation is Navalny’s investigation


The provocation with the help of foreign secret services is an alleged investigation by opposition blogger Alexei Navalny into the alleged poisoning of novices with neurotoxins, the press department of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) told the Russian news agency TASZSZ.

According to a report published the same day on the portal of the German news magazine Der Spiegel, a member of the Russian secret service detachment that was carrying out a poisoning attack on Navalny was accidentally confessed. The chemist spoke to the Russian opposition politician, who made himself known by phone as a government man, about the failed operation.

According to this, Navalny’s body received the substance to kill his life for

I made a cut on the inside of your underwear.

An opposition politician on a campaign tour of Siberia survived the attack, according to an analysis by the perpetrators, because the plane he was traveling in made a forced landing at the moment the poison began to take effect.

According to the FSB, the alleged investigation published by Navalny on the Internet was a planned provocation aimed at the expiration of the security service and its personnel and could not have taken place without the organizational and technical support of the foreign secret services. According to the FSB, the video posted by Navalny with one of his colleagues is a forgery, a trick of the secret service that has been used in anti-Russian actions in the past and that prevents the identity of the real participants in the conversation from being established.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called an international journalistic investigation that concluded that Navalny had been poisoned by people from the FSB in a press conference at Thursday’s annual press conference.
