According to the joint statement, the alliance supporting the corporate tax reduction is not mentioned.

A civil war broke out in the County Cities Association after the association’s Fidesz president, Károly Szita, mayor of Kaposvár, issued a statement in support of the government’s intention to significantly reduce the business tax.

Attila Péterffy, co-chair of the County Cities Association, responded to this support by saying in a statement: “Sieve must represent the association in a professional manner in the future and refrain from making politically based statements on behalf of the organization as a whole. “.

According to the statement, the government’s plan was received incomprehensibly by the leaders of all cities with county status, including the mayors of Fidesz.

“Thus, Károly Szita issued a statement on behalf of the MJVSZ professional association for the unified representation of large cities, without consulting the interested mayors, but on their behalf supporting the political objectives of the government and supporting the decision to bleed the local governments, “says the text.

According to Péterffy, a 50% reduction in local business tax revenue paid by the SME sector puts local government budgets in such a difficult position that there will no longer be sufficient funds for the MJVSZ membership fee, thus that nine cities have decided not to pay more in 2021. million, annual membership fee.

He also added that the professional mission of the County Peoples’ Rights Association is still considered important, however, the future preservation of its membership will be considered in light of future statements by the President of the MJVSZ.

The communication was signed by the following mayors:

  • Attila Péterffy, Mayor of the City of Pécs, Co-President of the Association of Cities with County Rights
  • László Botka, Mayor of the City of Szeged
  • Pál Veres, Mayor of the City of Miskolc
  • Dr. András Nemény, Mayor of Szombathely
  • Dr. László Csőzik, Mayor of Érd County
  • Dr. Péter Márki-Zay, Mayor of Hódmezővásárhely
  • Zsolt Fekete, mayor of the county of Salgótarján
  • Szűcsné Posztovics Helena, Mayor of Tatabanya
  • Tamás Pintér, Mayor of Dunaújváros County

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Kósa: The government does not support the abolition of the business tax

According to the vice president of Fidesz, local governments have been prohibited from raising taxes because they want to help the population of cities.

These are Orbán's announcements: the business tax for SMEs and entrepreneurs will be cut in half

Announced a total of four steps.