Index – National – A man ate a sea buckthorn, collapsed in Budapest


A middle-aged man collapsed and died on Saturday afternoon in Teleki Square in Budapest. According to Ripost, the tragedy struck the man as he spat.

All I could see was the ambulance coming with a siren, then running out of the car towards a man lying on the ground and almost immediately starting to pump his chest. Even a police officer rushed to help him before him, I don’t know if he was on patrol or if he was alerted

Said the security guard of the market in Teleki Square. Several people have witnessed the tragic story. Another witness also confirmed that the victim, in her sixties, had just left the bakery and was eating a croissant when she became ill and collapsed.

It was terrible to watch them fight for him, but unfortunately they couldn’t save him. I asked one of the paramedics what he found. She said that unfortunately she had already met the man, it was not the first time she had to be revived, her heart could be wrong. I, on the other hand, saw that he was more choked, gasping for air. Have you had a heart attack or drowned? Who knows. But they fought for it for a long time

He told the newspaper.
