Index – Foreign – Chaos in the Cube: English Hungarians on Closing


Apparently everyone is angry that they have suddenly cut off the Christmas plans of millions of people. Since the epidemic occurred, it has been a characteristic of decision making that everything changes at the last minute.

Amanda, a Hungarian mechanical engineer living in Nottingham, told Index about the shutdown due to the spread of a more contagious mutation in the coronavirus in London and south-east England. In his words, most Brits distrust the government because they feel that the measures are unpredictable. The closure of London and its environs on Saturday brought chaos, which according to Amanda illustrates well:

out of distrust, everyone goes after their own head, it is difficult to speak of discipline.

Amanda is currently in Hungary – she planned to spend Christmas with her family working in London spending karate time with them after entering the island country. However, the restrictions announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson have forced him to rethink Christmas plans, as London is currently closed and cannot be abandoned. And those who don’t live there can only travel there for good reason. Amanda says she was in a panic over unexpected events.

transferred his flight to London tonight, as Hungary prohibits passenger flights from landing from the UK from midnight,

But Amanda still has a chance to go back to London.

Chaos in the cube

– Then Matthew, who lives near London, describes the situation. According to him, the British Prime Minister does not reconsider his decisions at all, it is as if he did not consult with experts. And when it does, it is preceded by a long hesitation. That is why the limitations that affect the lives of millions have such a sudden effect. Matthew was not surprised that after announcing austerity, tens of thousands of Britons fled to escape the restrictions imposed on London.

According to him, the chaos on Saturday and the European travel ban imposed on the UK are PERFECTLY illustrated: London does not anticipate the consequences and then essentially starts a shooting.

Máté did not even plan to travel home this year due to the quarantine obligation after entering Hungary and after returning to England. According to him, whoever wanted to go home had already done so, although at the moment they may not have done well.

At the first hearing, not everyone understood what level four was.

Says Natalia from Hampshire near London.

He also says that the unpredictability is evidenced by the fact that British counties were first classified into three tiers and then suddenly another tier was announced. After that, they changed the relaxation for the holidays: in the areas covered by the first three-level classification.

only on December 25 can members of three different households meet instead of the previously promised period of December 23-27.

Natalia also did not plan the trip home, due to the quarantine obligation, on the one hand, and the ever-changing rules, on the other.

It is almost impossible to track, but you can not do anything, you have to try to adapt

– sums up Natalia’s chaotic situation, which, in her opinion, is only aggravated by the ineffectiveness of the Brexit negotiations so far.

List of prohibitions

The following rules apply to the new “stay home” level 4 classification:

  • Anyone who does not go to work or go shopping and does not have to do anything immediately should stay home.
  • Whoever can do it has to work from home, they can only go to work for compelling reasons.
  • Gyms, hair salons and stores that sell non-essential items will be closed.
  • People are prohibited from leaving the area affected by the level four restriction, and anyone who doesn’t live there can only go there for good reason. In any case, admission is not recommended.
  • You cannot gather more than one person from another household, and only in an open area.
  • Everyone should sleep in their own home.
  • The faithful can still attend worship services.

The British government will review the readiness index of parts of the country every two weeks, according to which the future of the severe restrictions announced over the weekend is expected to be decided on December 30.

(Top image: Trucks driven by a police officer on London’s M20 motorway on December 21, 2020. Photo: Toby Melville / Reuters)
