All opposition parties have agreed on the terms of the joint start, such as the selection of their candidates


The decision was made at the last meeting of the presidents of the opposition parties this year: the opposition will stand on a common list in the 2022 parliamentary elections, all the opposition parties have announced together. Exactly the following parts:

  • Democratic coalition
  • Best for Hungary movement
  • politics may be different
  • Hungarian Socialist Party
  • Momentum movement
  • Dialogue Party for Hungary

The presidents of the opposition parties also approved a document entitled “Guarantees of change of epoch”, which contains the conditions for the establishment of a joint list, which contains the following conditions:

Guarantees of legitimacy:

  • In the 2022 parliamentary elections, the opposition parties will nominate a candidate for joint prime minister, whose identity will be decided by the electorate in the pre-election.
  • Opposing opposition parties agreed to nominate a joint individual candidate in each of the 106 electoral districts. In the selection of joint candidates, the parties also involve the electorate, who can decide during the pre-election who will represent them in their constituency in the parliamentary elections.

Personal guarantees:

  • The parties that draw up the joint list will only endorse the nominations of candidates who have undergone a rigorous selection organized jointly by the opposition parties, sign a declaration of integrity and a statement of values ​​that describe the principles of joint governance, agree by written implement the joint government program and will accept the principle. if elected, they perform their duties in the interest of the entire Hungarian nation.
  • The parties on the common list strongly reject the support of candidates who are not worthy of the trust of voters who seek a change of era for their statements that violate human dignity, collusion with Fidesz, proven involvement in corruption or other illegal activities .

Content guarantees:

  • The parties to the common list undertake to cleanse Hungarian public life of systemic corruption, which has long been toxic to them, to put an end to the unscrupulous acquisition of property by the oligarchs and to create the conditions for perpetrators of NER corruption appear before the independent justice. To this end, the parties undertake to restore the independence of the prosecution and the judiciary, join the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and make the use of public funds from the government and the party financing system transparent by adopting a package of comprehensive transparency.
  • Parties with a common list will restore freedom of the press, create a balanced and high-quality public service instead of public media spreading hateful and false party propaganda in authoritarian regimes, and commit to restricting state advertising and funded campaigns. with public funds at the legal level.
  • The parties that draw up the common list agree to draw up a new constitution in which all political parties with real social support and civil society participate, which will be confirmed by referendum. The parties that establish the common list are determined to make the Constitutional Court a reliable guardian of the constitution and constitutional rights of all Hungarians, restoring their previous authority and independence and reestablishing the powers of the regressive government’s unbridled desire for power.
  • The parties that draw up the common list undertake to enact a new electoral law based on the principles of proportionality and justice, which does not unilaterally favor any political organization, but is capable of preventing robbers from stealing public money.
  • The President of the Republic can no longer be a simple puppet, he must have solid legitimacy and personal integrity to fulfill his task, symbolizing the unity of the nation and constituting a true counterweight to power. Therefore, the parties that draw up the common list undertake to place the election of the President of the Republic directly in the hands of the electorate.
  • The parties that draw up the joint list undertake to correct the painful omission of the 1989-1990 regime change and make the agent’s files public.
  • The parties to the common list are committed to governance in accordance with the principles of sustainability, to meet the challenge of the ecological and climate crisis and to address the protection of nature and climate, climate adaptation and just transition as central issues.
  • The parties to the common list are committed to building a cohesive, fair and safe society where workers, enshrined in their rights, live their work fairly, women are paid and respected just like men, the elderly receive a pension fair and the state guarantees minimum living conditions for all. and quality public services, and strongly supports the faster development of lagging regions.
  • The parties that establish the common list are committed to creating social peace rather than sharing and inciting hatred, and working to heal the historical wounds that are still alive in Hungarian society.
