Free Cities Association: Government Reversals Decision to Halve Business Tax!


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In a joint statement, Mayor Gergely Karácsony and 37 district and rural mayors demand that the government revoke its decision to cut the business tax by half, which they say “means the execution of local governments.”

Gergely Karácsony at the General Board meeting on September 30.Photo: Márton Mónus / MTI / MTVA

According to the announcement by the Association of Free Cities, the halving of the business tax has nothing to do with dealing with the economic crisis, it only has to do with Fidesz’s energy policy.

The mayors who signed the statement have called for a joint protest by those municipalities that want to protect their public services to citizens and their own ability to act. “We must act together against a government decision made for dark intentions that evoke dark times,” they wrote.

As a sign of their protest, the adherent municipalities will turn off the decorative lights starting at 7:00 p.m. on December 23, “in defense of public services”, to draw the attention of citizens to the importance of public services that municipalities lend.

It was written that from the collection of the business tax, local governments provide public services for all, local public transport, garbage collection, road maintenance, public lighting, management of green spaces, of which they pay social subsidies, finance theaters, cultural and sports activities,

According to them, the individual compensation promised to settlements with more than 25,000 people will be distributed by the government on a political basis “at the will of Viktor Orbán”.

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