In the background may be the fact that the municipal company is in a difficult financial situation.

An investigation was launched at Győr Waste Management Company, and the company’s director was replaced in the meantime, was informed. The newspaper also writes that Róbert Borsi, a local government representative from Fidesz, also left the head of Győr’s large-scale Association for local government waste management.

Exactly what they were investigating or what investigation is underway, the newspaper asked NAV and the police, but their questions have yet to be answered. Mayor András Csaba Dézsi was contacted, who said that suspicious cases were occurring in the company, so he replaced the manager and launched an investigation. The successor to the Fidesz representative, Róbert Borsi, will be the president of the Fidesz county assembly Zoltán Németh at the head of the large regional waste association.

The company’s balance sheet for the first half of the year shows a loss of 189 million HUF, but this does not give a realistic picture, according to Róbert Borsi, because the paper mill system has changed. The company’s quality of service has improved, but that means outsourcing costs, salaries, and contributions have increased by 30 to 40 percent.

During the emergency, the Mayor, acting on behalf of the General Assembly, reversed the October General Assembly decision to transfer a number of Győr-Szol properties to the recently separated GYHG Győri Hulladékgazdálkodási Nonprofit Kft. In order to obtain a full loan of 800 million HUF.

Shortly after the mayor’s election in January, he announced that he wanted to make Győr one of the cleanest cities in the country. To this end, GYHG was spearheaded by several management changes in a short period of time, and several innovations in garbage collection were introduced and the company parted ways with Győr-Szol.

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