Index – Technology – This neuromancer is completely sucked


Genre creator William Gibson’s best novels (such as Neuromance) are cited in Cyberpunk 2077, in which Keanu Reeves plays the digital spirit of a wayward, rebellious and terrorist rocker: Johnny Silverhand. The CD Project Red role play takes place in the metropolis of Night City and we can control “V”: a mercenary from whatever past and genre we have formed. We also tested the game on Xbox Series X, Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, and Google Stadium.

The developers of the incredibly successful Witcher 3 have been designing and developing Cyberpunk 2077 for four years, one of the most anticipated role-playing games of all time, based on the desktop role-playing game Cyberpunk 2020.

As I have been a huge fan of William Gibson and Neuromania since I was a teenager, the sci-fi trend that became popular in the eighties and nineties is also my favorite, and I think Witcher 3 is also the best RPG of all time, so I was sitting on needles finally waiting – before the next Project RED CD creation comes out. Earlier this summer, I even bought that specially crafted Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One X (I thought I could play with it in September back then, because that was the second release date), but finally on the next gen: Xbox Series. the game in X.

I don’t even regret the generational jump … But before we get into a bit of the big bum that Cyberpunk 2077 has experienced (regardless of whether the game’s sales are remarkably good anyway), let’s see first: what they’ve actually accomplished in this science. fi in role-playing games and what works less?

“This city is a distant planet, living here is not bad and living here is not good” (Europe Publishing)

The events of Cyberpunk 2077 take place in the fictional city of Night City in the year of the title. Like William Gibson’s novels, in this universe and metropolis, Asian megacorporations control everything and everyone rather than governments, politicians, crime, prostitution and drug trafficking, and their various digital versions, prosper.

Gang criminals, hackers and mercenaries, and even the average citizen, use the most diverse cybernetic internal organs or limbs and can connect “data fragments” (future USB drives containing one type of data) to their brains to Through a port in their necks, they can launch software or even investigate the digital memories of others.

The controllable protagonist: V, a mercenary of any gender and past: at the beginning of the game, we can choose to launch an urban type, corporate or nomadic character. The interactive prehistory of the three characters is completely different, so it’s worth at least looking at the beginning of the game with a new character.

Keanu Reeves overdrive

The game’s other protagonist is Johnny Silverhand, played by Keanu Reeves – the digital spirit of a long-dead rocker and terrorist who can also be controlled at certain stages of the game. It is also connected to the main story of Cyberpunk 2077, which was once again written by Blood Profession, famous for the Witcher Games.

It’s like participating in an interactive novel by William Gibson:

The entire history of Silverhand, the dialogues, the Japanese technology company that also dominates the city and the underworld, the game universe evokes the writer’s works published in the eighties. All this added to the fact that the story of Cyberpunk 2077 is also quite unique and special, which fits perfectly in this cynical, cruel and dystopian world. Perhaps the only part of Cyberpunk that frustrated gamers are very happy with is the main story – it’s clear that CD Project Red continues to be a master at VCR storytelling.

I don’t want to reveal much of the story, just that, as is typical in Gibson’s novels: there are no heroes or anti-heroes here, just scammed fools who think they are big bastards, merciful business leaders who can’t trust their loved ones, the paramilitaries. The government officials, who often work in even dirtier ways than criminals, are refined prostitutes and semi-cyborg-looking professional hackers. We shape the events during the optional dialogues, and as we have gotten used to from CD Project Red:

There is no right or wrong choice here, but every decision we make will have serious consequences.


The gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077 is an extremely ambitious adventure as it uses classic action RPG elements, includes a dose of Grand Theft Auto (we can take different vehicles the same way, only from the inside view), a hint of Thiefre or Deus Exre as a stealth and of course hacking for hours.

Although the Cyberpunk 2077 universe completely sniffed me out and I enjoyed the game overall, I must admit that

many elements of the game are not really polished in all cases.

For example, you have to get used to driving different cars: sometimes I accidentally drove between pedestrians, then after wading, the police jumped on me and threw me into a colander.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence isn’t always brilliant, and to passersby, it’s still a soft term. It happened a few times that even though he hummed at them or shot someone next to them, they didn’t even catch them, as if nothing had happened, they stood up and looked out of their heads.

It is also quite easy to fool the various enemies; it is often enough to simply sneak up behind them and silently break the neck vertebrae from behind or stun them. That’s why otherwise complex RPG character development can seem a bit redundant if we prioritize stealth, and in that case, the incessant amount of weapons or special clothing found in the game doesn’t have too much importance.

However, the RPG Network of the CD Project is extremely enjoyable and addictive, as well as unique solutions such as searching for objects, sound fragments or other clues in the digitized memories of others, solved as if working with video editing software in a virtual space. So for such and similar unique ideas, Project CD deserves a lot of red dots.

PlayStation 4: “From zero to zero”

Anyone who has followed the events of the game world a bit, on the other hand, must have heard of the growing scandal plaguing the game’s previous generation console graphics. It’s also a bit of a paradox: Although the game was developed for the previous generation, PS4 / Xbox One (the next-gen console version wasn’t even made), it performs very poorly on these machines. Even though Cyberpunk was already designed in 2012, the machines released in 2013 have all the ugliness that is just a single player’s nightmare: hacking, unpacked textures with no snails (or not at all), ugly 3D frame underneath, bugs, se freezes, and could list more.

I haven’t come across any of these, because luckily the Polish RPG is spinning relatively flawlessly and blessed with good graphics on Xbox Series X, but I have a few acquaintances who ran it on PS4 or PS5 (!) And they certainly left. drop a pair. crocodile tears due to many frosts and other blemishes. However, I also tried Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 Pro, and there the game was interesting and relatively enjoyable. Finally, I also looked at Stadia: if the graphics were not perfect (ray tracing was definitely missing), but this version is also one of the best.

The herald of the future?

I’ve seen such a stabbed start a long time ago – Cyberpunk 2077 certainly didn’t deserve it, because otherwise it’s an incredibly professional story, excellent adventure, and role-playing game. This game

should have been postponed, improved,

until the many errors are eliminated and the image update is sufficiently optimized on all platforms. (Anyway, we expect more software fixes, especially the promised patch for the nextgen console, thanks to which ray tracing will finally be available on Xbox Series X and PS5 as well.)

Or the other option could have been to let go of the old generation (since the game is luxurious on PCs and the new generation Xbox Series X), that’s just 140 million PS4 and Xbox One users as well. .

The big question now is whether it was worth expiring Project CD, Cyberpunk, and failing 25% of the stock market, just to force this great game onto the last generation as well. The poetic question …
