Air is leaking from the Russian ISS division, it has not stopped yet.

Air is leaking from the Russian division of the International Space Station (ISS) and the error has yet to be corrected, according to media reports on Saturday. Experts are now considering whether or not to close the faulty department for the two Russian cosmonauts and tap into the oxygen reserves.

The leak is probably in the Zvezda module, but they don’t know exactly where. A 4.5-centimeter diameter gap was discovered in October, but then repaired without knowing what caused it. Then they noticed there was another leak. A spacewalk had already been conducted in November to explore its location, but to no avail.

If the astronauts and the ground control center came to the conclusion that the leaking division must be closed, it would affect the entire space station and the activities of all the astronauts working there. The Russian space research company Roscosmos said that no one on the ISS was in danger. Currently, in addition to the two Russians, four American astronauts and one Japanese are at the station.

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