Index – National – The popularity of Viktor Orbán uninterrupted


Forty-two percent of the adult population sympathizes with the Fidesz-KDNP list and 40 percent with the joint list of parties that reject the presidency of Viktor Orbán’s prime minister.

– Result of the investigation of the Perspective Institute for the Hungarian Nation.

In the article presenting the results, the newspaper writes that the hidden supporters of the opposition who do not directly express their sympathy for one of the parties or the common list are already included in the calculation, but would like the prime minister to leave in the upcoming elections, since it is assumed that in a difficult electoral situation, the common list of the left will be supported.

Government parties are more active

The poll also revealed that supporters of the ruling party are more active than those in the anti-government camps, so if the elections were now on Sunday, the Fidesz-KDNP would have reached 51 percent of the joint opposition list.

As the Index reported, Publicus measured slightly differently in December, and its research showed that support for the opposition is four percent higher than for government parties.

In recent months, since the symptoms of the economic and social crisis emerged in the wake of the epidemic, opposition between the government and opposition municipalities has intensified and opposition forces have been communicating their intention to unite in more effectively, the opposition Fidesz

– wrote András Pulai, director of the Publicus Institute on his Facebook page.

A survey was also conducted to combat the coronavirus

The point of view also measured how satisfied people are with the fight against coronavirus. In the tenth month of the pandemic, approximately five hundred days before the parliamentary elections, 59 percent of Hungarians said they were “more satisfied” with the work of Viktor Orbán.

According to the article, since 2013, there have not been such positive comments regarding the Prime Minister’s work. Seven years ago, that number was just 49 percent. However, last year, in a telephone survey of 1,000 people, 52 percent of those surveyed were satisfied with Viktor Orbán’s measures.
