Index – Nacional – Tamás Deutsch for Index: I don’t deal with soap operas


Tamás Deutsch, Fidesz Member of the European Parliament, on Saturday “European Parliament resolution on migration” held a press conference titled

the implementation of the Soros Plan with the participation of the European and Hungarian left is advancing with relentless coherence.

The European Parliament on Thursday adopted a resolution calling for more solidarity among EU member states in the field of asylum and the allocation of more resources to member states at the EU’s external borders.

They also decided to call for the establishment of a solidarity procedure to respect the right to asylum as a fundamental right in the European Union and for member states to share equally the responsibility of asylum seekers.

Tamás Deutsch, among others

He evaluated the resolutions as decisions by “stabbing and black-belt immigration parties.”

We ask about the situation of the Popular Party

The index had three questions at the press conference of the Fidesz MEP:

  1. What is your opinion on whether they can return to the issue of their exclusion from the European People’s Party in February?
  2. Do you think it is realistic to pass an amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the People’s Party that, in the future, could exclude entire delegations of the European People’s Party, not just individual members?
  3. Has it been done or, if not, when will it be decided who will replace the resigned József Szájer in the European Parliament?

The MEP reported on the first question, saying:

no matter how flattering it is to him, but the Deutsch saga no longer wants to deal with the daily events of South America, like an American show, he has already said everything on this subject.

Speaking of József Szájer’s resignation, he resigned: a completely clear legal procedure has been initiated, a decision will be made in the coming weeks to remove him from the Fidesz-KDNP list of the European Parliament. If this is done, the public will be informed.

Regarding the modification of the Regulation of the Group of the European People’s Party:

The time has come for verbal decisions to be applied collectively in the Popular Party.

For more press questions, he also said that

The People’s Party, he said, is not a Deutsch affair, but rather a debate about the future of the European People’s Party.

He also added that they are not alone at all in the Popular Party.

Tamás Deutsch was also asked what SpiritFM Keljfel Jancsi has to say to Tibor Navracsics. to your statements in. The former European Commissioner for Culture, Education, Youth and Sport spoke about

for Fidesz, the restriction of Tamás Deutsch’s rights in the faction of the European People’s Party is a battle.

Tamás Deutsch stated at the press conference on Saturday:

Tibor Navracsics is a very experienced European politician, whose suggestions and opinions must be paid close attention, even in this case.

The Gestapo analogy led to Deutsch’s disenfranchisement

Othmar Karas, head of the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) delegation and thirty-nine associates, initiated a letter in early December to exclude Tamás Deutsch from the leadership of the European People’s Party faction.

In several interviews, the Fidesz MEP compared the declaration of the leader of the Popular Party, Manfred Weber, with the thought of the Gestapo and ÁVO that those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear from the rule of law.

Tamás Deutsch also wrote several letters and announcements and apologized for his controversial comment. On Wednesday, however, nearly 96 percent of MPs voted in favor of a motion for a resolution tabled by the faction leader condemning MEP Fidesz’s statements and suspending his rights instead of excluding them.

Tamás Deutsch’s right to speak in plenary on behalf of the group was revoked with immediate effect. The European Fidesz Representative may not represent the Popular Party as rapporteur or shadow rapporteur, nor hold any position in which he represents the Popular Party.

The Popular Party faction also asked the party family to make a final decision on Fidesz membership as soon as the epidemic situation allows. This is expected to happen in the first months of the year.

An intelligent man is not offended when he has been offended, but when it is in his best interest and it was not in our interest to offend

Tamás Deutsch said in his program Straight Speech on ATV in response to the decision of the Popular Party. He also said that he said there was no vote on the exclusion proposal because the vast majority of the faction did not want a party split. If he is expelled, the representatives of Fidesz-KDNP will also leave the Popular Party.

Othmar Karas told Austrian channel Puls 24 that the proposal to exclude Tamás Deutsch had not been taken off the table and would be withdrawn again by February at the latest.
