Right now, Hungary can achieve herd immunity, according to a virologist.


At least 4 million people in Hungary should be vaccinated, so those who have contracted the infection may have 6 million nearby flocks of immunity by March-April, virologist Miklós Rusvai told ATV.

According to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the administration of coronavirus vaccines with 35,000 doses of vaccine can start on December 27 or 28, from where health workers will receive it for the first time. Vaccination begins at South Pest Central Hospital, followed by county hospitals.

At least 4 million people in Hungary should be vaccinated, so together with those infected, there may be 6 million nearby flocks of immunity by March-April, virologist Miklós Rusvai told ATV.

However, Rusvai added that only 30 percent of those infected have adequate immunity. It is not known how long vaccines provide protection, but those vaccinated in the experimental phase still have sufficient levels of antibodies, so immunity is assured for 3-4 months. Additionally, the vaccines developed provide protection against all mutations to date, the ATV added.

“It would take around 6 million immune people to prevent the epidemic from spreading through herd immunity, of which I estimate that currently it is 1 and a half million people who have already been infected, so they are partially protected, this It would take another 4 million people to do it. Get protection through vaccination, “said the expert.
