Five Christmas gifts that will serve you throughout the year


We did not intentionally write specific links and brands in the article, but at major online retailers everyone will surely find these devices.

Mix the pleasures

An example is a blender that can be used to make a refreshing and healthy juice from fruits and vegetables. In addition, if one is also consuming dietary supplements, this structure can also be of great use when ingesting them. Also, of course, a smoothie is also suitable for chopping the ingredients with it, and that is why it is worth paying close attention to make sure that the yield is high enough. So that it reaches at least 1000-1200 watts and the speed exceeds 25,000 per minute. It is good if a device has factory optimized programs and / or a speed controller.

A good blender can be a good gift.Source: Origo

If there are more people living in a household, the capacity should not be ignored either, because if it is small, we will not be able to grind or mix the appropriate amount of food at the same time. Quality materials are important because they are a guarantee that the product will also adapt to harder materials such as roots or ice, which is, by implication, the basis of versatility. In our experience, a good blender can have a positive impact on your quality of life, making it a great gift.

Waffle maker

A waffle is usually something you can live without, but it’s not worth it. There will come a time in everyone’s life when they deserve a little pampering, a little casual luxury, and this type of pasta is perfect for that.

Waffles are not only loved by children.Source: Origo

A waffle iron at home can be bought quite cheap and we think it can also be an ideal gift for Christmas. Especially where there are children in the family, they will surely love the delights that emanate from it. And whoever thinks that waffles are boring food is wrong. There are many recipes circulating on the Internet, including pieces on plates filled with cheese and even meat.

Beer tap

Homemade beer taps have appeared over the past decade and have immediately taken the entire world by storm. Unsurprisingly, these appliances are compact enough, they hardly take up space, and with their help, you can still make a bar out of your own kitchen. When we drain a passionate pig, well, paying attention, playing with a little carbonic acid, it is not at all the same as when the box whistles or we open a bottle. The taste, smell, etc., it is not necessary to dwell on this further.

A mono beer tap made of normal, branded quality and made of durable enough materials can be bought for around 50-60,000 guilders.

You may want to choose one that comes with multiple adapters or connectors, as it will accommodate different types of kegs.

A home beer tap is an adorable tool.Source: Origo

Personally, we would recommend one where the temperature can be changed as needed, nor is it a disadvantage if the product has a built-in LED display.

Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!

Surely many people think that a homemade ice cream machine is not a typical Christmas gift. However, on the one hand, such a machine can serve well after the cold months, and on the other hand, it can make sense even in winter, as there are pieces that are also suitable for mixing yogurt.

For 15-20,000 guilders, we can find a well-used, durable, branded piece.

And it soon brings its price, and it even saves you queuing, and we can really eat as much ice cream as we want. Modern home freezers are easy to operate, just by pressing a button or two. There are tools among them that can spit out the first finished dumplings in 20 minutes, which is a completely acceptable time. When someone turns on the machine on the soup, they expect fresh ice cream at the end of lunch, which sounds great.

Pizza for everyone!

One of our personal favorites is the homemade pizza oven, which looks like a UFO, it barely takes up space, it can be easily stored on top of the cabinet when you don’t need it, but it is also very useful! It practically works on the principle of a traditional oven, only of course much smaller.

We can even bake pizzas at home with these machines.Source: Origo

Most machines intended for domestic use in the home are usually capable of making 13-inch diameter pizza. Of course, we can also pack mirelite food, as well as homemade dough, decorated with all kinds of delicacies to taste. Our practical experience with a good homemade pizza oven works perfectly and the end result will be better than what can be combined with traditional ovens. Also, there are some that can be used to bake or reheat other cakes, such as croissants.

There are big differences in the price level of homemade pizza ovens. For 20-25,000 guilders, it is already possible to buy durable and totally affordable devices.

We hope we can help with a good tip or two. We wish you all a happy holiday!

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