In the midst of the epidemic, the Slovenian Minister of Health resigned


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Slovenian Health Minister Tomaz Gantar resigned on Friday and Prime Minister Janez Jansa will temporarily head the health ministry, the Associated Press reports.

Gantar resigned after his party, the Democratic Retiree Party (DeSUS), left the ruling coalition, protesting against Jansa, Viktor Orbán’s friend and principled ally, leading the country in an increasingly populist direction.

Party chairman Karl Erjavec has openly said that Jansa is “organizing” Slovenia, but they are not asking for it. According to DeSUS representatives, Jansa is trying to pressure the press and “all the important subsystems” of the Slovenian political system, following the Hungarian model, to build an autocratic system.

Janez Jansa has led the country since March, with the coalition government still in parliament in a few even after the retirement party is gone, so DeSUS’s departure has not yet made it impossible to govern the Slovenian ally of Viktor Orbán.

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