Miklós Kásler appoints new hospital directors


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In his speech prior to the handover of the appointments, the Minister emphasized that the festive occasion will take place mainly after the government’s decision to reorganize health care in all its details. This also affects the Ministry of Human Resources. A National Hospital General Directorate will be established to help and hold county hospitals together and to implement political decisions, particularly on economic and financial issues.

Miklós Kásler emphasized that the transformation affects the entire Hungarian health system, but for this the four most important tasks must be solved:

  1. the overall patient care system should be developed from primary care to county hospitals,
  2. To ensure the attention of the five most serious groups of diseases of public health importance,
  3. the Hungarian epidemiological system needs to be reorganized.
  4. people who are socially and healthily vulnerable need to be cared for.

He stated that they wanted to establish a legal, transparent and clear relationship, for which the separation of public and private health care was essential, since both were necessary, but in an orderly environment. Regarding the reorganization of primary care and the operation of the five national programs, he said that both issues are a difficult task because public and private care systems are almost inextricably intertwined.

Heads of institutions appointed to direct clinical centers:

  • University of Pécs: Andor Sebestyén
  • Albert Szent-Györgyi Clinical Center in Szeged: Attila Csaba Lengyel
  • University of Debrecen: Zoltán Szabó
  • Heads of institutions appointed to direct the central hospitals of Budapest
  • South Central Plague Hospital: István Tibor Vályi-Nagy,
  • South Buda Central Hospital, Szent Imre University Hospital: Prof.Bedros J. Róbert

Heads of institutions appointed to head county hospitals:

  • Kecskemét Bács-Kiskun County Hospital, Teaching Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged: Mihály Svébis,
  • Békés County Central Hospital in Gyula: László Richárd Becsei,
  • Hospital Central Comarcal Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and Teaching University Hospital of Miskolc: János Révész,
  • Ferenc Csolnoky Hospital in Veszprém: Ibolya Töreki-Vörös,
  • Szent György University Hospital of Fejér County, Székesfehérvár: László Imre Bucsi,
  • Géza Hetényi Hospital-Clinic of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County in Szolnok: Miklós Piroska,
  • Ferenc Markhot Hospital and Teaching Clinic in Eger: József Vácity,
  • Markusovszky University Hospital in Szombathely: Zoltán Lajos Nagy,
  • Pest County Flór Ferenc Hospital, Kistarcsa: Zoltán Károly Trombitás,
  • Petz Aladár University Hospital in Győr: László Jávor,
  • Kaposi Mór Kaposi University Hospital in Kaposvár: Mariann Moizs,
  • Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and University Teaching Hospital in Nyíregyháza: Zita Szondi,
  • Santa Bárbara Hospital in Tatabánya: Gábor Imre Kanász,
  • San Lázaro de Salgótarján Regional Hospital: Géza Szabó,
  • Tolassa County Hospital Balassa János de Szekszárd: Csaba Németh,
  • Dorottya Kanizsai Hospital in Nagykanizsa: New Years Eve in Brünner,
  • Csongrád-Csanád County Healthcare Center in Hódmezővásárhely: Norbert Kallai,
  • Outpatient consultation of the St. Panteleon Hospital in Dunaújváros: Lajos Mészáros,
  • Erzsébet Sopron University Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute: Sándor Molnár.
