The situation in pharmacies can become critical


The pay scale among pharmacists working in clinical, hospital and public pharmacies, which will take effect on January 1, will cause enormous wage pressure among pharmacists working in clinical, hospital and public pharmacies. The gross salary of a pharmacist who has been in the field for 11-15 years is close to one million florins, while the net salary of those who work in public pharmacies is 400 thousand florins. The operation of small and medium-sized pharmacies could become critical, writes the World Economy.

The salaries of clinical and hospital pharmacists are moving far away from the private sector due to the salary scale of the medical law that will take effect in January of next year. According to this, starting in 2021, the lowest gross salary for clinical or hospital pharmacists will be HUF 481,000, and the highest, after more than 40 years of employment, will be HUF 1.6 million. At the same time, today an employed pharmacist earns an average of 380-400 thousand HUF net in the private sector, but a higher salary cannot be paid with the margin used by a small and medium traffic pharmacy, Gabriella Nagy told the newspaper. , the mirror pharmacy network that operates the four pharmacies in the capital. owner

Typically, most pharmaceutical workers are cats and work in various pharmacies. Their wages reach 4,000 guilders an hour, but most private pharmacies still suffer from a significant labor shortage.

Subsidized products make up a significant portion of the average pharmacy’s sales revenue and margin weight, nearly 65 percent, and the margin has not increased for years, but has decreased, Gabriella Nagy emphasized.

According to Zoltán Hankó, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Pharmacists (MGYK), pharmacies cannot follow the salary scales of clinical and hospital pharmacists, which is not covered in the pharmaceutical sector. Already at the beginning of the year, the chamber told the Ministry of Human Resources that to maintain the efficiency of the sector and bring the salaries of workers in public pharmacies closer to the average salary, 36,000 million HUF would be needed.

According to the president of the Chamber, the operation of small and medium-sized pharmacies may become critical in the future and salary tensions can already be felt in smaller pharmacies.
