Tribe Operational: Restrictions to be Announced Monday at Christmas


It’s a tool for primary prevention, Müller said. We want to create a kind of resemblance to the vaccine compared to the actual pathogens, that is, an antigen that is similar to the pathogen enters the body with the vaccine and thus triggers the immune response in the body. The one who becomes protected as a result of vaccination, and when the “wild virus” attacks his body, he is already prepared, and by then there are already memory cells. They will remember the pathogen and an effective immune response will be triggered in the body so that it does not build up in the body.

This is the basis for the world to effectively defend itself against various diseases, he said. He gave as an example paralysis, which has disappeared from Hungary, since it cannot find a susceptible organism because we are protected.

Vaccines work differently, he said. Developing a vaccine against the coronavirus also brought a number of challenges. Old technologies are just as suitable as new ones, he said. There is a wide range of vaccines against coronavirus. Müller said that we will find a wide variety of vaccines early next year, which will include whole virus vaccines that contain inactivated viruses, meaning they cannot cause disease.

The vector vaccine uses a virus that carries part of a virus against which we want to protect ourselves. In addition, there are protein-based vaccines, such as the coronavirus spike protein and other proteins contained in the virus.

There are also nucleic acid-based, mRNA-based and DNA-based vaccines. These work by producing with the body the antigen, the substance that the virus presents, against which the body prepares to produce antibodies. This is interesting because not only is the antigen ready to be introduced into the body, which causes the body to produce the antibody, but it also produces with the body against which the immune response develops.

The vaccine that we are now waiting for and that we arrive between vacations is of the latter type.

According to him, the country is prepared, we have designated vaccination points where vaccination can be done. It is a complex logistics process, a challenge, professionals have a lot of work to do now. The vaccine should be kept between -70 and -80 degrees, but Pfeizer will provide all the information and permission will be received. This vaccine must be administered twice; now half the vaccine is offered. They volunteer for this and then they can give the next one in 3 weeks. Many surveillance services are being developed, these are new vaccines. Truthful and accurate information will be given to the operative strain so that it can make a decision and take advantage of the possibility of vaccination. First, healthcare workers must be protected.

There is confidence in vaccines in Hungary and this must be maintained, Müller said. trust that the voice of scientists and professionals reaches the people as soon as possible. “We want to see the end of the epidemic now,” Müller said.

When we have enough, as is the case in the Union, the next batches will keep coming, everyone will be able to reach them.
