Viktor Orbán announced that new economic protection measures will arrive from January, this year will be Christmas Eve


I come from a meeting of the operational tribe and I have no good news of release.

The numbers are not bad, it is not a great consolation. But I see that they are constantly adjusting in other countries. The Germans shut down completely for 2-3 weeks. We know how people view defense. The health system can take care of patients, fatigue is the biggest opponent, doctors and nurses do a superhuman job. Down with the hat in front of them! said Viktor Orbán

Do not plan your ski because we cannot make the limits permeable, we are waiting for the vaccine as the final solution.

The first vaccinations will take place from December 27 to 28 and 35,000 people will arrive in Hungary from the vaccination. In the first round, we vaccinated healthcare workers at the county hospitals, the South Pest Centrum Hospital. Vaccination is free and voluntary, but I will ask you to vaccinate yourself.

You need to talk to them seriously about this, but you want to ask the front-line fighters to protect themselves. The registry for vaccines goes up, after the first 35 thousand additional doses are received, while the vaccine is limited, it will proceed according to the decisions of the operative strain, but then the registry will be important, because then it will proceed according to the records. PWe could vaccinate the country in one day we are ready with the necessary plan for this.

It’s going to be Christmas this year. Christmas is a family holiday, when the country stands up and comes and goes. But now we have to quit. If we behave as we do and celebrate Christmas, we can harm our family members. The regulation of Christmas Eve is not yet certain, a decision will be made at the government meeting on Monday. I would be very happy if at least tonight was a little more relaxed. We want meetings of ten people to avoid having to inform those under 14 at the count.
