Index – Foreign – In Poland, the national quarantine occurs from the end of December to the middle of January


A national quarantine to prevent a third wave of the coronavirus epidemic will be applied in Poland from late December to mid-January, Health Minister Adam Niedzielski announced in Warsaw on Thursday. According to

Special curfew restrictions will be introduced on New Years Eve.

The increase in the number of people infected with the epidemic has slowed to around 10,000 in recent weeks, but with the third wave that could start from this level, the health care system may not be able to cope, Niedzielski said. .

In this regard, he announced that, in addition to the epidemiological measures in force, from December 28 to January 17, the hotels that have welcomed guests for business trips will be closed completely, and the stores in the shopping centers will be closed again, except of pharmacies, groceries and perfumeries.

The ski slopes are also closed during this period. A 10-day quarantine will be mandatory for those arriving from abroad via “organized transport,” Niedzielski said.

Poles are only allowed to leave the house between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. on New Years Eve, for example, for medical or service reasons.

However, no curfew restrictions are planned before the Christmas holidays, Niedzielski said. In accordance with the above provisions, a maximum of five people in the flats can join those who live there at Christmas.

In Poland, cultural and sports institutions, restaurants are currently closed and the number of people in public transport, shops and churches is limited. Schools have switched to distance learning and no more than five can meet anywhere.

Following the completion of the national quarantine, the two-week educational break will also end on January 17. According to previously announced plans, traditional school education will be gradually restored thereafter.

According to Niedzielski, Poland may face difficult weeks because the impact of planned vaccinations will not be felt in January and February, and so far the epidemic situation has not returned to the second level before the autumn wave. The Minister expressed the hope that the restrictions announced so far will sufficiently prepare the ground for the next vaccination campaign.

Responding to a question from a journalist, Niedzielski considered it possible that the first 10,000 doses of the vaccine arrived in Poland shortly after the Christmas holidays.
